Fixing a check task – H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual

Page 79

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Creator—Who created the check task.


Violating CPEs—The number of violated CPE.


Vulnerability Sum—The number of violated rules in the CPE.


Task Description—The check task description.


Violation Severity—The violation rate of each severity in a chart.

CPE Check Information
CPE Check Information lists the CPE name, total vulnerabilities number, and the violating results for
each severity level. To open the CPE Violating Results page, click the CPE name. For more

information, see "

Viewing CPE Violating Results


Compliance Policy Check Information


Policy Name—Links to open the Compliance Policy Check Results page. For more information,
see "

Viewing compliance policy check results



Total CPEs—The total violated CPE numbers of each policy.


Violating CPEs—The vendor of violated CPE.

Severity Level


Severity Level—All five IMC standard severity levels.


Total CPEs—The total violated CPE numbers of each severity level.


Violating CPEs—The vendor of violated CPE.

Fixing a check task

Use this function to fix the violating CPEs.
To fix a CPE:


Click Service > BIMS > Compliance Center > Check Task.


On the Check Task page, select a target check task, and then click the Fix icon under the Fix



On the Rule Violating Overview page, review the violating details from each rule description, and
then select the check box to the left of the CPE, compliance policy, or rule that you want to fix. Or

if you want to fix all CPEs at the same time, select the check box to the left of Fix all CPEs item in

the upper-right corner.


Next to certain rules, you might see a Node icon

indicating a parent node. If you select a mother

node, it means you select all rules that belong to it. If you select a sub node rule, the system selects its

parent node automatically.

Rule names are highlighted in the description column. You can check the rule details by clicking


Click Fix in the upper left corner of the Rule Violating Overview page.


On the Fixing Commands page, enter the fixing commands, and then click Next.