Audio generation and routing, Audio generators, Sixteen independently programmable audio channels – Ensemble Designs BrightEye 57 3G/HD/SD/Analog Test Signal and Sync Pulse Generator User Manual

Page 13: Audio embedded in the sdi outputs, Support for analog and digital audio

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BrightEye 57


BrightEye 57

3G/HD/SD/Analog Test Signal and Sync Pulse Generator User Guide

Page 13

Audio Generation and Routing

Audio Generators

The diagram shown on the following two pages depicts the audio signal generation and routing for
the BrightEye 57. It appears twice, first in a portrait view, then larger as a landscape view.

Audio can be output as follows:

Analog audio (one stereo pair)

AES digital audio (BNC)

Digital audio embedded in the SD SDI and/or HD SDI video outputs

Sixteen Independently Programmable Audio Channels

The BrightEye 57 supports sixteen audio channels and the content of each channel is independently
programmable. Choices include adjustable frequency tone generators, tone sweeps, silence, timecode,
audio clip playback from the BrightEye 57’s secure digital card, and the external AES input. Left/right
channel ID that synchronizes to the cyclops feature can also be selected.

Audio Embedded in the SDI Outputs

All sixteen of these channels can be embedded in the SDI outputs. Each AES output can select from
any of the eight pairs that make up these sixteen channels. Similarly, the stereo analog output can be
driven from any of these audio signal pairs.

Support for Analog and Digital Audio

The AES digital audio outputs are always synchronous with all of the video outputs – regardless
of format – because all of the video outputs can be locked to a common time base. Multiple tone
generators can be used to identify multi-channel content. Analog audio is output as one stereo pair or
as two mono channels.

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