Dial key, Lan dial, Ial key – ATL Telecom IP300S User Manual

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IP SIP Phone v2 User’s Guide

Mar. 2005


c. Enter the preferred inter-digit timeout, measured in seconds.

I n t e r - D i g i t

T i m e

[ 3 - 9 ] s e c o n d s


d. Alternatively, you may go to web page 『IP SIP Phone』 / 『Preferences』=>

“Inter-Digit Timeout (s)” to configure it.

System default is 4 seconds.

10.7.2. Dial key

You can configure which key denotes the end of a dialing string (exclusive). You may use

the pound sign, 【#】, the flash button, 【FLASH】, or assign a DSS key as “Dial key”.

Default is the pound sign,【#】
To configure the “Dial-key”:


Press FUNC 【 】

+ # to activate menu.

b. Go to submenu “5. Preferences” / “7.Dial Plan / “2. Dial Key”.
c. Pick your favorite dial key.


. P o u n d

K e y : #

2 . S t a r

K e y : *

3 F l a s h

K e y : &

4 . D S S : D i a l

K e y

d. To enable “4. DSS Dial key”, you SHOULD map one of the DSS keys

(【F1】~【F8】) as 【Dial-key】from 【MENU】=> “3.Phone Settings” / “2.
DSS Features”. For example, you may 【F4】as 【Dial-Key】by picking “Dial
Key” on 【F4】.

Note, the DSS dial key will function as well even you pick






as dial key.

e. Alternatively, you may go to web page 『IP SIP Phone』 / 『Preferences』=> “Dial

Key” to configure it.

10.7.3. LAN Dial

You can configure whether a dial string starting with a star, ‘*’, key signals a LAN dial. For

example, if your IP is “” and you want to make a direct IP call to another host (either
a phone-set or a PC) which IP is “”, you may dial “*20” to make a call to it. To
specify the UDP port, you may dial “*20**9999” to call to “”.

Generally, to make LAN dial, you should use a star sign, ‘*’, as a dot, ‘.’; and double stars,

“**”, as a colon, ‘:’, to specify the UDP port the callee listens on. Besides, you may specify the last
1, 2 or 3 fields of the peer’s IP, plus additional port.

By default, this feature is enabled. You may want to disable LAN dial if it conflicts with some

dial numbers and/or you want to send those LAN dial strings “as is” (for example, “*123” may be