Airmar Small Switchbox with Remote Switch–SB646 User Manual

Installation instructions owner’s guide, Small switchbox with remote switch

background image

Follow the precautions below for optimal product

performance and to reduce the risk of property damage,

personal injury, and/or death.

WARNING: Always wear safety goggles and a dust

mask when installing to prevent personal injury.

WARNING: The power must be ‘OFF’ before

proceeding with the installation.

WARNING: The power supply voltage must be 10 - 32


WARNING: A safe installation requires a 0.5 amp fast-

blow fuse or circuit breaker.

CAUTION: To reduce electrical interference from

other electrical wiring and any on-board equipment with

strong magnetic fields such as radar equipment, radio

transmitters, boat engines, generators, etc., separate

the cables by at least 1m (3').

CAUTION: Be careful not to tear the cable jackets

when passing them through bulkheads and other parts

of the boat. Use grommets to prevent chaffing. Use

deck glands to prevent water seeping into the boat.

CAUTION: Use a multimeter to check the polarity and

the connections to the power supply before applying

power to the transducer(s).

IMPORTANT: Please read the instructions completely

before proceeding with the installation. These

instructions supersede any other instructions in your

instrument manual if they differ.





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Small Switchbox with Remote Switch

Model: SB646


• Single transmission line transducers and echosounders only
• Echosounders with power rating of 1kW or less.

Do not use with 2kW echosounders.

• One echosounder can be connected to two transducers. The

transducers must have C32 or C332 cable.

• One transducer can be connected to two echosounders. The

echosounder must be dual-frequency with a single
transmission-line. The transducer must have C32 or C332

• One echosounder can switch between a wide-beam and a

narrow-beam transducer. Pair a wide-beam SS264W with one of
the narrow-beam models such as: B258, B260, or M260. Both
transducers must have C32 or C332 cable.

Tools & Materials

Safety glasses
Dust mask
Grommets (some installations)
Deck glands (some installations)
Cutting pliers
Phillips screwdrivers
Electric drill
Drill bits:


3mm or 1/8"

Remote switch

11mm or 1/2" spade bit

Weak solvent (such as alcohol)
Wire strippers
Heat shrink tubing
Small blade screwdriver
Pliers some installations)
Adjustable wrench
Cable ties (some installations)

Locating Switchbox, Remote Switch & Cables

IMPORTANT: Be sure to allow an extra 25 cm (10") of cable to
make the connections within the switchbox.

Switchbox—Select a convenient dry mounting location for the
water-resistant switchbox about 1–2m (3' – 5') from the

• Retrofit—If the transducer(s) and echosounder(s) are already

installed, select a location with easy access to the cable(s). Be
sure the cable(s) will be long enough to make the necessary
connections. Allow an extra 25 cm (10") for wiring ease.

• New installation—Install the transducer(s) and echosounder(s)

before connecting the switchbox. Plan the cable runs.

Remote Switch—Locate the remote switch on the dash panel or
other convenient location near the echosounder. Check the
backside for any obstructions such as cables and wires.

• Minimum clearance on backside

36mm (1-1/2")

• Maximum panel thickness

6mm (1/4”)



Copyright © 2011 Airmar Technology Corp.

Figure 1. SB646 Switchbox with remote switch