Installing, Mounting on a vertical surface – Airmar H2183—Heading Sensor User Manual
Page 8

CAUTION: The word ‘FORWARD’ on the sensor must be facing forward and
parallel to the centerline of the vehicle/boat for accurate compass readings.
CAUTION: Mount the sensor near the center of gravity of the vehicle/boat and
reasonably level (with the waterline on a boat) for accurate pitch and roll readings.
IMPORTANT: Plan the cable route between the sensor and the display and/or
network before beginning the installation.
Mounting on a Vertical Surface
Mounting the Bracket
1. At the selected mounting location, draw a level line using a torpedo level (see
Figure 1).
2. Holding the bracket even with the level line, trace the outline of the two vertical
slots. Do not mark the location of the two interior screw holes at this time.
3. Using a 3mm or 1/8" bit, drill the pilot holes in the CENTER of the slots. This will
allow you to adjust the bracket up and down.
4. Using a 4mm, #23, or 9/64" bit, drill the two mounting holes.
Fiberglass—Minimize surface cracking by running the drill in reverse until the
gelcoat is penetrated.
5. Lightly fasten the bracket to the mounting surface with two of the stainless steel
screws supplied. Place the torpedo level on the top of the bracket. Adjust the
bracket until it is level. Tighten the screws.
Aluminum hull—Apply marine sealant to the threads of all four stainless steel
screws before fastening them in place. This will prevent electolytic corrosion
between the dissimilar metals.
6. Using a 3mm or 1/8" bit, drill the pilot holes for the two center screws. Then use
a 6mm or 1/4" bit to drill the holes.
7. Fasten the remaining two stainless steel screws in the center holes to lock the
bracket in place.
Figure 1. Mounting the bracket
Copyright © 2008 - 2009 Airmar Technology Corp.
vertical slot (2)
stainless steel
screw (4)