Tri Tool 576AC Sever Machine with Air Motor User Manual

Page 9

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92-1176 : Orig. 041012



with Air Motor


Feed Rate Lock Screw

Feed Rate Adjustment Screw

Feed Arm

Cam Feed Knob

Tripper Shaft

Indicator Mark

Feed Limit Adjust Screw


Screw in the feed limit adjustment screw until the end of the cutting edge
of the tool bit just clears the OD of the tube.

Rotate the cam feed knob counter-clockwise to pick up the feed slack.

Loosen the collet and re-position the tube to sever.

To adjust the feed rate, loosen feed lock screw, rotate the feed adjustment
screw and read the feed rate graduations to find the desired feed rate.

Some experimentation should be made to maximize the efficiency and tool
bit life.

A feed rate of .002” to .003” (.05 mm to .08 mm) will accommodate most
tube materials.

When the desired feed rate is set, tighten the feed lock screw.

(DO NOT over tighten.)