Configuring madi redundancy, 4 configuring madi redundancy – DHD Power Cruiser MADI 52/XR User Manual
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Version 1.14.0 - 14.04.2010
Configuration and Operation of an 52/XR MADI Router
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Configuring MADI Redundancy
Slot 13 to 18 (and slot 34 to 39 in a 6 HU frame) can be operated in normal or redundant mode. If switched to redundant,
a MADI port duplicates the signals of the corresponding port on the left side of the router backplane.
Choose Enabled in the column Redundancy at the DSP Frame I/O to define the respective MADI port as redundant. If
the corresponding module on the left side fails, the redundant module on the right side will automatically take over.
The MADI ports of slot 13 and 14 are switched to be redundant. Now they are carrying the same output signals as the
MADI ports of slot 3 and 4. They should be fed with redundant input signals of the MADI ports 3.1, 3.2, 4.1 and 4.2.
Toolbox5, DSP Frame I/O; The MADI ports of slot 13 and 14 are switched
to redundant.