6 alarms – Tecfluid LU Series User Manual

Page 17

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5.6 Alarms

In these screens we select the actuation points of the two alarms and the level of
hysteresis. By level of hysteresis we understand the difference between activation and
deactivation of the output. In some cases the level of a vessel is not stable due to waves
generated by agitators, etc. To avoid that an alarm output is continuously moving from
activate to deactivate state, we must program the points of connection and disconnection.


Suppose that the instrument is working in level mode. If the activation point is
programmed to 1 m and the deactivation point is programmed to 0.9 m, when the level is
zero the output will be off. When the level reaches a height of 1 m the output will go on
and it will not go off until the level falls below 0.9 m.

Alarm 1. Point of activation

Alarm 2. Point of activation

Alarm 1. Point of deactivation

Alarm 2. Point of deactivation