Tascam MMR-8 User Manual
Page 58

TASCAM MMR-8 Owner’s Manual • Chapter 3 • MMR-8 Keys and Status Displays
for 1.5 times nominal speed. Pressing the Shuttle key again or pressing the Stop
key halts the Shuttle action.
Although there is no shifted function of the Shuttle key, the alternate function of
this key is the right-arrow, which is active in several different modes, and which
typically scrolls the window to view parts of the display that may extend beyond
the window. This key also moves the cursor to the right for selection of a digit
within a time code that may need trimming, or for selecting a character value to
alter in a Setup menu. The lit transport lamps indicate the current relative speed
range for Jog and Shuttle according to the following conventions:
o Indicates the transport is stopped
o + > Indicates the transport is playing forward slower than nominal speed
> Indicates the transport is playing forward at nominal speed
> + >> Indicates the transport is playing forward faster than nominal speed
o + < Indicates the system is in reverse play at slower than nominal speed
< Indicates the system is in reverse play at nominal speed
o + << Indicates the system is in reverse play at faster than nominal speed
The wheel is its own group, and has several different functions during MMR-8 operation. In the Normal
state, it controls jog and shuttle of the system transport in conjunction with the JOG and SHTL keys. In
conjunction with the TRIM key it can be used to manually trim time code registers. In the Setup state, the
Wheel normally scrolls through the menu items, but when TRIM is active, it scrolls through the parameter
values. In the Track states, it scrolls through the Project or track names for loading and viewing. There is
no shifted function for the Wheel.
Track Group
These keys are located at the left central portion of the front panel under the track meters. Although the
SEL keys are active all the time, they affect tracks according to which Track Select Mode (EDIT, MON,
INPUT, LOAD TRACK, TRACK, SLIP) is active. The active mode is indicated by the amber LED above
the keys, while the active track(s) for that mode are indicated by the amber LEDs above the SEL keys.
These are the numbered red keys at the top of the Track group, just below the
meter panel. Pressing one or more of these keys arms the selected track(s) for
recording (just like their counterparts on other types of multitrack recorders). The
red record (REC) LEDs located above the peak meters will then flash to indicate
the tracks’ armed status.
When the transport is in motion, and the MMR-8 is already recording (i.e., the red
RECORD key indicator is lit and not flashing), then pressing a record enable key
on one of the non-recording tracks causes that track to immediately “punch-in” to
record. This automatically creates the necessary record file and a crossfade from