300 biphase – Tascam MMR-8 User Manual

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TASCAM MMR-8 Owner’s Manual • Chapter 6 • File Format Support


221 Edit Sync Mode

This setting affects where a clip will be pasted during an edit operation.

§ In point Sets the paste to place the beginning of the region stored in the

clipboard at the In point. (default value)

§ Playhead Sets the paste to place the contents of the clipboard to the selected

edit tracks in the same position relative to the Playhead as those
contents occupied when the material was placed on the clipboard.

230 Tape Mode Start

TapeMode requires a start time to use as a time stamp for the audio files. Set the TapeMode start time
using this setting. The default value is 01:00:00:00.

231 Tape Mode Length

TapeMode requires a defined project length. Recording is not permitted past the end of the project. Set
the TapeMode length using this setting. The default value is 00:10:00:00.

240 Dailies Mode

When Dailies Mode is on, and the MMR is ONLINE in Timecode Chase Mode, the MMR will record
audio on armed tracks whenever incoming timecode is present. To initiate recording it is necessary to arm
at least one track, lock the MMR to external timecode, and to put the MMR-8 into the record state. When
timecode stops, the MMR-8 transport will stop, but the unit will remain in a record ready state until
timecode is received again. When valid timecode is again present, the MMR will automatically locate to
the incoming timecode position and go into record. All files will be “stamped” with the timecode location
at which the recording is made. The default value is off.

250 Slip Commit

The Track Slip function on the MMR/MMP works by changing the value of a track offset register. This
slip offset is volatile and will be cleared when a new Project or track is loaded. When a track slip is
committed using this setting, the amount of the slip for the selected track(s) is incorporated into an edit
operation which changes the track EDL to reflect the new timecode location for all audio events on the
track. This change is automatically saved to disk for WaveFrame and Pro Tools projects (not for other
formats since they cannot be saved to disk) and the EDL is immediately updated.

The Slip Commit menu allows for committing all tracks which have a slip offset, or of choosing only a
specific track. The default value is to commit all track slips.

300 Biphase

These settings are used to control the behavior of the system while in Biphase Chase control mode.

300 Biphase Frame Rate

Sets the frame rate used when the system is in Biphase Chase mode. Frame Rate choices are:

§ 24 Frames per second (default value)
§ 25 Frames per second
§ 30 Frames per second