Tascam MMR-8 User Manual

Page 43

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TASCAM MMR-8 Owner’s Manual • Chapter 2 • Installation


5. Put all Tracks into Record Enable by pressing the Track 1 - 8 RECORD keys (the red keys

labeled 1 - 8). The eight REC LEDs above the meters should light. Press the REC+PLAY (>)
keys to start recording. After ten or fifteen seconds press STOP (o) to end the recording.

6. If you wish, turn off Input Monitor on all tracks, by again pressing the Track 1-8 RECORD

keys, thus disabling record and turning off the input monitor function on those tracks. Locate
the transport back to the start of your recording (press SHIFT+8) and then press PLAY (>).
You should now hear the playback of what was just recorded, and see a 0VU indication on all
the meters. Press STOP (o).

If no audio is heard on any tracks, or if you cannot record, and you’ve double-checked your input and
output connections, your hard drive mounting, and that the system is using the default settings, contact
TASCAM Technical Support for troubleshooting assistance.

This completes the standard hardware installation procedure and the basic audio technical checks.