500 audio – Tascam MMR-8 User Manual

Page 107

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TASCAM MMR-8 Owner’s Manual • Chapter 6 • File Format Support


500 Audio

These settings are used to control the behavior of the system audio functions.

500 Input Source

This sets the ports and processes used for audio input sources.

§ Analog

Input is from the analog audio input connector (default)

§ Digital

Input is from the digital audio input connector

§ Rate Converter Input is from the analog audio input connector on channels

1 and 2 and then passes through the MMR-8 digital
sample rate converter

501 Auto Input

This sets the conditions under which the MMR-8 will switch to input monitor for tracks which are armed.
This setting is not available on the MMP-16.

§ Record Only

Switch only when in record

§ Record or Non-play

Switch when in record or not playing (default)

§ Record or Record-Ready Switch when in record or record ready

510 Crossfade

This sets the crossfade amount used at punch in/out and edit points. The range is 0 to 100 ms in 1 ms
intervals. The default value is 10 ms.

520 Meter Reference Level

This sets the meter reference level in decibels for the front panel meters of the MM series unit. The
default value is –20dB.

521 Meter Calibrate

The switches on the meter calibration function used to calibrate the analog input stage of the MMR-8. For
detailed instruction on the calibration procedure, see the MMR-8 owner’s manual. The default value is
off. The setting is not present on the MMP-16.

522 Clip LED on Play

This setting determines whether or not the Clip LED on the MM-RC Remote Control Unit will illuminate
when clipping is detected on a playback track. The default value is off.

530 Reference Tone

This activates the internal 1kHz reference tone in the MM series unit. To hear the tone, the unit must be in
play. The default value is off.