Dubbing using a 1–10/0 button that already has a, Direct folder assignment, 7 – dubbing (copying) – Teac CD-200SB User Manual

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7 – Dubbing (copying)

6. Press the main unit FOLDER/TRACK SELECT (1–10/0)

button or the remote number (1–10/0) button for the folder

that you want to select as the dubbing destination.


appears on the display for a few seconds, then

the time counter for the track being dubbed is shown and

dubbing begins.


When selecting the dubbing destination folder, you can

choose folders that have blinking or lit indicators.

If you press a FOLDER/TRACK SELECT (1–10/0) button that

does not have a direct folder assigned (blinking indicator),

a new folder will be created for dubbing and that folder will

automatically be assigned to that button.

If you press a FOLDER/TRACK SELECT (1–10/0) button that

does have a direct folder assigned (lit indicator), dubbing

will overwrite the current folder assignment. (See “Dubbing

using a 1–10/0 button that already has a direct folder

assignment” on page 40.)

7. While dubbing, you can press the CANCEL button (lit on

main unit) or STOP button on the main unit or the remote

to stop the operation. After canceling the operation,


will appear on the display for a few seconds.


If you cancel dubbing in the middle of the first track, no

files will be created on the SD card or USB flash drive.

Furthermore, the folder created at the beginning of dubbing

will be erased.

If you cancel dubbing any time after the first track has been

dubbed, files that have completed dubbing will be created

on the SD card or USB flash drive. Furthermore, the folder

created at the beginning of dubbing will be assigned to the

FOLDER/TRACK SELECT (1–10/0) button selected in step 6


8. When the last track on the CD (or in the selected folder of

the data CD) finishes dubbing,


appears on the

display, and then the unit returns to the state it was in before

dubbing began.

The folder created at the beginning of dubbing will be

assigned to the FOLDER/TRACK SELECT (1–10/0) button

selected in step 6 above, and that FOLDER/TRACK SELECT

(1–10/0) button will light.


The date and time data of folders and audio files created by

dubbing will be different from the current date and time.

Dubbing using a 1–10/0 button that

already has a direct folder assignment

When dubbing, you can use the following procedure to

overwrite an existing direct folder assignment.
1. After pressing the main unit DUBBING [WAV/MP3] button

or the remote DUBBING button (the main unit DUBBING

[WAV/MP3] indicator lit), press a lit FOLDER/TRACK SELECT

(1–10/0) button that already has a direct folder assignment

(indicator lit). The indicator for that button will start to blink.

At the same time the indicators for all other buttons will

become unlit.


appears on the display, showing that the unit is

ready to change the assignment.

2. Press the FOLDER/TRACK SELECT (1–10/0) button, which

now has a blinking indicator, again to start dubbing.

When dubbing completes, the direct folder assignment for

the selected FOLDER/TRACK SELECT (1–10/0) button will

be changed.
Before starting dubbing when


is shown on the

display and the main unit CANCEL indicator is blinking,

you can press the CANCEL button on the main unit or the

remote to cancel changing the assignment and return to

step 5 of “Dubbing” above.


Changing direct folder assignments for FOLDER/TRACK SELECT

(1–10/0) buttons never erases folders on media or audio files

within folders.
You can use the
FOLDER g/t buttons on the main unit or the

remote control to select folders and assign them to different

FOLDER/TRACK SELECT (1–10/0) buttons.