Appendix a, Controlling the model 50 – Studio Technologies 50 2004 User Manual
Page 39

Model 50/51 User Guide
Issue 6, September 2004
Studio Technologies, Inc.
Page 39
Appendix A
Controlling the Model 50
The Model 50 Central Controller uses MIDI
system-exclusive messages to control all
functions. The Model 51 Control Console
is programmed to generate a subset of
what the Model 50 is capable of doing.
By using standard MIDI messages, the
Model 50 can be used for a wide range of
special applications. Any device that can
be programmed to send system-exclusive
MIDI messages can be used to control the
Model 50.
All MIDI messages to be acted upon are
system-exclusive type (F0H). No channel
mode, system common, or system real
time messages are utilized. Studio Tech-
nologies, Inc. manufacturer’s ID number
is 00H 00H 56H. The Model 50’s product
device ID number is 01H.
Note that the 5-pin connector on the Mod-
el 50’s back panel is wired somewhat dif-
ferently from a standard MIDI input. While
pins 4 and 5 meet the MIDI standard, the
three remaining pins are implemented
for use by the Model 51. Pin 1 supplies
+15Vdc power, pin 2 is shield (ground),
and pin 3 is communications audio input.
If you’re connecting your own controller,
such as a computer’s MIDI interface, you
might be concerned about the DC power
on pin 1. Because the MIDI standard
doesn’t use this pin, it is highly unlikely
that it will be connected inside your con-
troller, so there’s little chance of the DC
causing damage. To be safe, you can use
a MIDI cable with only two or three wires
The following pages provide a detailed
list of all Model 50 system-exclusive MIDI