Chapter 3, Knowing your machine – Smithy Midas 1220 XL User Manual
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Chapter 3
Knowing Your Machine
The Midas 1220 XL has a 3/4 hp, 110 V motor. The motor powers the lathe and millhead
through the main belt drive and the mill/drill belt drive.
A positive lock clutch in front of the spindle pulley transfers power to either the lathe or
the mill. The clutch has three positions. To power the lathe, pull the clutch handle out. To
power the mill, push the clutch all the way in. The middle position is neutral. Always shift
the clutch with the motor turned off.
The Smithy can use V-belts or round polyurethane belts. The latter produce less dust and
is easier to change than standard V-belts.
The lathe runs at six speeds from 160 to 1600 rpm. To change lathe speeds, adjust the
belts in the main belt-drive system. This system uses three pulleys: the motor pulley,
floating idler pulley and spindle pulley.
To run the lathe at lower turning speeds, use two belts. Install one between the motor
and idler pulleys and the other between the idler and spindle pulleys. To increase the
speed, move the spindle belt in two more positions on the pulleys.
For higher ranges, use one long belt from the motor pulley directly to the spindle pulley.
You can adjust this belt to three different positions on the pulleys.
The millhead also has a belt-drive system. It uses only one belt, adjustable to either the
top or bottom position on the pulleys. These two positions, in conjunction with the main
belt drive, let you select 12 speeds ranging from 125 to 1600 rpm for milling or drilling.
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