Seaward DP6 User Manual
Page 14

Operating Instructions
Thermocouple Calibrator Type DP6
The DP6 has 3 voltage measuring ranges, 10mV; 100mV and 1V. The resolution on
the 10mV range is 1 microvolt, and each range has a full scale value of 15mV,
150mV and 1.5 Volts respectively. Care must be taken when measuring in the lower
range to ensure that connections are clean and that no thermal emfs are introduced
by the connecting circuits. Settling time should also be allowed between
connecting to the DP6 terminals and measurement thus allowing any warming of
the terminals and connecting wires to stabilise.
The DP6 is capable of simulating 10 different thermocouple types and is extremely
versatile in the manner in which it can be used. The right display is used to
configure the thermocouple type; the units and cold junction.
The purpose of simulating thermocouple outputs is to calibrate temperature
sensing devices such as indicators, recorders, controllers and data loggers.
The DP6 will simulate temperature in degrees C, F or K. The simulated value can be
switched between these units and the displayed value changes to show the same
output value scaled in the new units.
The value to be simulated may be selected in three different ways, and will be
displayed in the left hand 4
digit display as follows: