Troubleshooting and customer service – REMKO RKS 435 H User Manual

Page 7

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Possible cause



The unit i�� not running
or ��hut�� it��elf down.�

Power failure.�

��� all ele�tri�al equipment

Che�k voltage and
wait for unit to re��tart.�

Main�� fu��e defe�tive.�
Ma��ter ��wit�h off.�

Are all lighting �urrent �ir�uit��

Repla�e main�� fu��e.�
Turn on ma��ter ��wit�h.�

Main�� feed damaged.�

��� all ele�tri�al equipment

Repair by
��pe�iali��t �ompany.�

Waiting time after ��tarting up
too ��hort.�

Did the unit re��tart after
approx.� 5 minute��?

S�hedule longer waiting time.�

Operation above or below
��pe�ified temperature range.�

Are the fan�� on the
unit ��till working?

Ob��erve temperature

�ntermittent over
or undervoltage.�

Che�king by a
��pe�iali��t �ompany.�

Shut down and re��tart the

Di���onne�ting �onta�t on exter-
nal �onden��ation pump open.�

��� the external �onden��ation
pump for the indoor unit indi�a-
ting a fault?

Clean the �onden��ation pump
Have the pump repla�ed.�

The unit i�� operating
with redu�ed or no
refrigerating �apa�ity.�

Air inlet and/or outlet
opening blo�ked by
foreign obje�t��.�

�oreign obje�t�� around air inlet
and outlet?

Clean blade��.�
Redu�e air re��i��tan�e.�

Heating or wind load

Ha�� there been a �hange to
the �on��tru�tion or appli�ation?

Take appropriate mea��ure��
to ��top the heating and wind

No heat di���harge po����ible.�

��� the fan on the outdoor unit

Che�k fan / winter

Leak in refrigeration �ir�uit.�

��� ��ignifi�ant fro��t formation vi-
��ible on the large blo�king valve?

Repair by
��pe�iali��t �ompany.�

The unit ha�� been manufa�tured u��ing ��tate of the art produ�tion method�� and it�� fun�tion ha�� been te��ted
��everal time��.� However, if any malfun�tion�� ��hould o��ur, �he�k the unit u��ing the li��t below.� �n ��y��tem�� with

However, if any malfun�tion�� ��hould o��ur, �he�k the unit u��ing the li��t below.� �n ��y��tem�� with

However, if any malfun�tion�� ��hould o��ur, �he�k the unit u��ing the li��t below.� �n ��y��tem�� with

�n ��y��tem�� with

�n ��y��tem�� with

indoor and outdoor unit��, you ��hould refer to the “Trouble��hooting” and �u��tomer ��ervi�e ��e�tion�� in both op-
erating manual��.� �f all the fun�tion �he�k�� have been performed and the unit i�� ��till not working properly, notify

�f all the fun�tion �he�k�� have been performed and the unit i�� ��till not working properly, notify

�f all the fun�tion �he�k�� have been performed and the unit i�� ��till not working properly, notify

your lo�al ��pe�iali��t dealer.�

Troubleshooting and customer service

Functional fault

This manual is related to the following products: