Remko rks, Safety instructions, Guarantee – REMKO RKS 435 H User Manual
Page 4: Environmental protection and recycling
Safety instructions
Read the operating manual
thoroughly before initial opera-
tion of the unit.� �t �ontain�� u��eful
�t �ontain�� u��eful
�t �ontain�� u��eful
hint�� , in��tru�tion�� and warning
noti�e�� to avert ri��k�� to per��onnel
and equipment .� �ailure to follow
�ailure to follow
�ailure to follow
the in��tru�tion�� in the manual �an
re��ult in hazard�� to per��onnel, the
environment and the ��y��tem and to
forfeiture of any guarantee �laim��.�
Store thi�� operating manual �lo��e
to the unit��.�
The unit�� and �omponent�� may
only be ��et up and in��talled by
��pe�iali��t per��onnel.�
The unit�� mu��t be ��et up, �on-
ne�ted and operated under the
operating �ondition�� ��et out in
the manual and mu��t �omply
with appli�able regional regula-
The unit�� for mobile u��e mu��t be
��et up on verti�ally on a ��uit-
able ��urfa�e where it i�� ��afe to
operate.� �nit�� for ��tationary
�nit�� for ��tationary
�nit�� for ��tationary
operation mu��t only be operated
when in��talled in a fixed lo�a-
Alteration�� or modifi�ation�� to
the unit�� or �omponent�� ��up-
plied by REMKO are not permit-
ted and �an �au��e malfun�tion��.�
The unit�� and �omponent�� may
not be operated in area�� with an
in�rea��ed ri��k of damage.� The
minimum �learan�e�� mu��t be
The ele�tri�al power ��upply mu��t
be tailored to the requirement��
of the unit��.�
Safe and reliable operation of the
unit�� and �omponent�� i�� only
guaranteed by proper u��e and
when �ompletely a����embled and
in��talled.� Safety equipment may
Safety equipment may
Safety equipment may
not be modified or bypa����ed.�
Operation of unit�� or �ompo-
nent�� with vi��ible defe�t�� or
damage mu��t be prevented.�
All hou��ing ��e�tion�� and open-
ing�� in the unit, e.�g.� air inlet��
and outlet��, mu��t be free of for-
eign obje�t��, liquid�� and ga��e��.�
The unit�� and �omponent�� mu��t
be a ��uffi�ient ��afe di��tan�e
from flammable, explo��ive,
�ombu��tible, aggre����ive or �on-
taminated area�� or atmo��phere��.�
Tou�hing �ertain part�� of the
unit or �omponent�� �an re��ult in
burn�� or other injury.�
�n��tallation, repair�� and mainte-
nan�e may only be �arried out
by authori��ed ��pe�iali��t per-
��onnel; vi��ual in��pe�tion�� and
�leaning �an be performed by
the operator when di���onne�ted
from the power ��upply.�
During in��tallation, repair, main-
tenan�e or �leaning of the unit��,
appropriate pre�aution�� mu��t be
taken to rule out any hazard�� to
per��onnel �au��ed by the unit.�
The unit�� and �omponent�� mu��t
not be expo��ed to me�hani-
�al load��, extreme humidity or
dire�t ��unlight.�
Disposal of packaging
All produ�t�� are �arefully pa�kaged
in environmentally friendly materi-
al�� for tran��portation.� To make a
valuable �ontribution to redu�ing
wa��te and �on��erving raw ma-
terial��, di��po��e of the pa�kaging
material at appropriate �olle�tion
point�� only.�
Disposal of used units
Produ�tion of the unit�� i�� ��ubje�t
to �on��tant quality �ontrol.� The
material�� pro�e����ed are ex�lu��ively
of high quality and mo��t of them
�an be re�y�led.� You �an �ontrib-
ute to prote�ting the environment
by en��uring that your u��ed unit i��
di��po��ed of in an environmentally
friendly manner in line with appli-
�able regional regulation��, e.�g.� by
authori��ed di��po��al and re�y�ling
�ompanie�� or at de��ignated �olle�-
tion point��.�
�t i�� a prerequi��ite for any �laim��
under guarantee that the order-
ing party or it�� end �u��tomer
�ompletely fill�� in the “Guarantee
Certifi�ate” en�lo��ed with the unit
promptly after ��ale and in��tallation
and return�� it to REMKO GmbH &
Co.� KG.�
The term�� of the guarantee are ��et
out in the “General term�� and �on-
dition�� of bu��ine���� and delivery”.� �n
addition, any ��upplementary agree-
ment�� �an only be made between
the �ontra�tual partie��.� A�� a �on��e-
quen�e of thi��, you ��hould �onta�t
your dire�t �ontra�tual party in the
fir��t in��tan�e.�
and recycling