Adding refrigerant, Before initial operation, Initial operation – REMKO RKS 435 H User Manual

Page 15

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After ��u��e����fully �ompleting the
leak te��t, the va�uum pump ��hould
be �onne�ted to the valve �onne�-
tion�� on the outdoor unit through
the manometer ��tation (��ee “Leak
te��t” ��e�tion) and a va�uum
��hould be generated.�

Before initial operation of the unit
and after any work on the refriger-
ating �ir�uit, the following �he�k��
mu��t be performed and do�ument-
ed in the in��tallation log:


Che�k all refrigerant pipe�� and
valve�� for leak�� and for unin-
tentional ��wapping of ��u�tion
and inje�tion pipe�� u��ing leak
dete�tion ��pray or ��oapy water
when unit i�� ��topped.�


Che�k refrigerant pipe�� and
in��ulation for damage.�


Che�k ele�tri�al �onne�tion be-
tween indoor unit and outdoor
unit for �orre�t polarity.�


Che�k all atta�hment��, mount-
ing�� et�.� for proper retention
and �orre�t level.�

RKS 435H

RKS 448H

Ba��i� pipe length

Additional quantity

�p to 5 m in�lu��ive


5 m to max.� 15 m

22 g/m

Adding refrigerant

The unit ha�� a ba��i� filling level of

�or ba��i� refrigerant pipe length��
of more than 5 m, additional re-
frigerant mu��t be added, a�� ��pe�i-
fied in the table below:

Before initial operation

Make sure that the refrigerant
used is always added in liquid


Initial operation

�nitial operation mu��t be �arried
out in line with the initial opera-
tion �ertifi�ate and do�umented

On�e all �omponent�� have been
�onne�ted and te��ted, the ��y��tem
�an be ��tarted up.�

To en��ure proper fun�tioning,
a fun�tional te��t ��hould be per-
formed before handover to the
operator to identify any irregulari-
tie�� during operation of the unit.�

Thi�� �he�k depend�� on the indoor
unit in��talled.�
The pro�edure�� are do�umented
in the operating manual for the
indoor unit to be operated.�

Functional test and test run

Te��t the following point��:


�mpermeability of refrigerant


Smooth running of �ompre����or
and fan.�


Di���harge of �old air from
indoor unit and heated air from
outdoor unit in �ooling mode.�


�un�tional te��t on indoor unit
and all program ��equen�e��.�


Che�k ��urfa�e temperature of
��u�tion pipe and identify any
evaporator overheating.� To



mea��ure the temperature, hold
the thermometer on the ��u�tion
pipe and ��ubtra�t the boiling
point temperature read from
the manometer from the mea��-
ured temperature.�


Do�ument the mea��ured tem-
perature�� in the initial operation


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