Protech Audio 586 User Manual

The Model 586 Noise Generator card is designed pink
or white noise for use in masking or alignment of audio
Typical applications are public address systems, sound
reinforcement systems, and room combining systems.
The actual application of the noise generator card is
found in such buildings as airports, factories, court-
houses, casinos, convention centers, hotels, race-
tracks, training systems, corporate boardrooms, and
office buildings.
The model 586 consists of two separate circuits. The
first section is a digital noise generator. The output of
the noise generator circuit is standard white noise.
The white noise is fed to a push-on jumper area of the
card, and to a filter, the output of which is standard
pink noise. The pink noise is also fed to the push-on
jumper area. By placing the push-on jumper on the
desired pins, the user may select either white or pink
noise. The card is shipped from the factory strapped
for pink noise. To select white noise, simply move the
red push-on jumper to the other set of pins. The
jumpers are located in the middle of the PC board
assembly, next to the output section.
The second circuit consists of a balanced line output,
with adjustable gain. The gain is adjusted via the trimpot
mounted on the front of the PC board assembly. The
maximum output level for the pink noise is -5dB into 600
ohms. The maximum output of the white noise is +15dB
into 600 ohms. The output section of the card is trans-
former isolated, and should be terminated into a 600-10K
ohm load.
The Model 586 may be mixed or matched with other
INTEGRA III SYSTEM components, within the same
card frame, without degradation in performance. For
larger installations, the output of the Model 586 may be
fed into the audio distribution amplifier cards, to serve
more areas. As one of the INTEGRA III SYSTEM audio
cards, the Model 586 may be mounted in any of the
system enclosures manufactured by Protech Audio Corp.
The Model 586 Noise Generator Card may be expected to
provide the user with years of dependable, uninter-
rupted quality service. For additional information, or
design assistance, contact:
5 8 6
Model 586 Shown
Protech Audio Corporation, PO Box 597, 192 Cedar River Road, Indian Lake, New York, 12842, Voice 518-648-6410 Fax 518-648-6395