Protech Audio 588C User Manual

The 588C Noise Gate/Ducker is designed to
operate as either a single channel noise gate, or as
a noise gate/ducker. In the noise gate mode, the
unit will gate off the input channel gain, until the
input signal exceeds a preset threshold. It will
then turn on the gain, and feed the amplified
input signal through to the output. In the noise
gate/ducker mode the unit will allow the input signal
applied to input #2 to pass through the unit, with or
without additional gain, until the signal applied to
input #1 exceeds the preset threshold. At that
point, the unit will attenuate (duck) the #2 input
signal, and allow the #1 input signal to pass through
to the output.
Typical applications are public address
systems, broadcast studios, sales presentation
rooms, headphone listening systems, multi-room
audio systems, and recording systems. The
actual application of the amplifiers is found in
buildings such as airports, factories, court-
houses, casinos, convention centers, libraries,
hotels, racetracks, training systems, corporate
boardrooms, etc.,.
Both inputs may be used as either a microphone
level input, or a line level input. Selection is made
via the on-board slide switch at each input.
There are six trimpots mounted on the Model 588C.
The first two are mounted near the middle of the
unit, and are used to adjust the gain of each input.
The other four are mounted on the front of the unit
and are used to adjust gate threshold, gate attack
time, gate release time, and amount of ducking.
The gate adjustments work in conjunction with the
signal being applied to input #1. The ducking ad-
justment determines how much attenuation will be
applied to the input #2 signal.
In addition to the 2 main inputs, the Model 588C
also features provision for direct inputs to be mixed
into the final output stage. It also has a discrete,
direct output available for both input #1 and #2.
Both the main inputs, and the main output are
balanced, transformer isolated.
The Model 588C is designed to mount in the Model
857/857B or 858/858B Card Frame Package. The
unit may be mixed or matched with other INTEGRA
III SYSTEM cards to create a complete audio
The Model 588C Noise Gate/Ducker may be ex-
pected to provide years of uninterrupted, quality
Protech Audio Corp., 192 Cedar River Road, Indian Lake, New York, 12842 Voice 518-648-6410 Fax 518-648-6395
Model 588C Shown