Protech Audio 66708 User Manual

The Protech Audio Model 66708 Dual Power
Supply is designed to provide regulated DC
power to the INTEGRA III SYSTEM audio
modules. The two separate 15-18 volt outputs are
designed to allow strapping together to create a
bipolar 15-18 volt configuration.
The Model 66708 is designed to be mounted in a
standard 19 inch wide EIA rack. The unit re-
quires only 3.5 inches of vertical rack space.
The line cord plugs into a standard three prong
117VAC outlet.The front panel has five separate
indicators. The power on/off switch incorpo-
rates a neon lamp, to indicate the presence of
power to the AC circuit. Each includes two LED
indicators. A green LED shows the output is
providing the required DC voltage. A red LED
indicates a fault condition.
Three separate protection circuits are designed
into the Model 66708. The AC circuit is pro-
tected by a 3 amp slow-blow fuse.
Each DC output incorporates foldback/short cir-
cuit protection. If the load attached to the output
is too great, the output volatage will be reduced.
If a short is applied to the output, the DC voltage
will reduce to zero volts, until the short is re-
moved. The unit will then automatically in-
crease the output voltage to the previously ad-
justed level.
The Model 66708 also features local or remote
sensing of the regulated output voltage. The unit
is shipped from the factory strapped for local
output voltage. The unit is shopped from the
factory strapped for local sensing. The output
voltage at the rear terminal strip, will remain
constant, from no load to full load. The terminal
strip jumpers may be removed, and the sensing
terminals wired to a remote location. This ar-
rangement will insure that the output voltage
will remain constant at the load. If the load is in
the same rack as the power supply, it is not
usually necessary to provide a remote sensing
Protech Audio Corporation, 192 Cedar River Road, Indian Lake New York, 12842 Voice 518-648-6410 Fax 518-648-6395