Protech Audio 2004 User Manual

MODELS 2004 & 2008
The Protech Audio Models 2004.2008 Automatic Micro-
phone Mixers are designed to be the best operating, most
transparent auto-mixers, for rental and portable applica-
tions as well as small venues. Both the 2004 and 2008
feature patented adaptive proportional gain sharing
control circuitry designed by Dan Dugan, the inventor
of automatic mixing. This operating system results in the
best, most transparent automatic mixing to be found
anywhere. Unlike gated mixers, or quasi-Dugan mixers,
the 2004 and 2008 operate on an elegantly simple prin-
ciple; each individual input channel is attenuated by an
amount, in dB, equal to the difference, in dB, between that
channel's level and the sum of all channel levels. The levels
are varied on a continuous basis, with no on-off actions, or
abrupt gain changes.
The 2008 features 8 switchable microphone/line level
inputs. The model 2004 features 4 similar inputs. Two
units may be linked together to create up to 16 inputs.
Both units feature a unique works-in-a-drawer construc-
tion. Access to all switches and push-on jumpers used
to configure various features, is achieved by loosening
the two thumbscrews located on each side of the front
panel, and sliding the entire electronics out of the chassis.
This easy access allows complete reconfiguration in just
In addition to the input mode (mic/line) switch located at
each input, the gain of each input is configurable, via a
push-on jumper, to allow superior signal-to-noise opera-
tion. Moving the jumper over one pin changes the input
gain from 30dB to 50dB.
A bi-color LED is used to indicate signal presence and clip
threshold. Unlike other units, the clip indicator on the
Model 2008 indicates clipping of the summing buss, not
just an input, since it is possible to clip a summing bus,
without clipping an input.
Internal 15 volt phantom power is selected, on a channel-
by-channel basis, via a push-on jumper. When the input
mode slide switch is placed in the line position,
phantompower will automatically be disconnected, pre-
venting damage to line level devices.
The Models 2004 and 2008 also feature assignable group
mute function. Each input may be assigned to the mute
buss via an eight position DIP switch. Turning on a given
switch will assign that channel to the group mute.
Grounding the group mute control pin will mute the as-
signed channels.
The output level of the automixers may be controlled via
the front panel output potentiometer, or, assigned to a
remote potentiometer, via an on-board slide switch.
Both units have been designed with the operator in mind.
Control features allow the operator to attend to other
functions, without the need to continuously "ride gain".
For additional information on the model 2004 and 2008, or
the Models 2000 Boardroom Automixer, and 2000-C Court-
room Automixer, contact: Applications Assistance
Automatic Mixing with Dugan Speech System.
4/8 Mic/Line Inputs With Selectable Gain Structures.
Phantom Power Capability On Each Input
Clip Indicator For All Inputs
Assignable Group Mute Per Input
12 Segment LED Metering of Output Level
Remote Gain Control Capability On Master Output.
Linkable for More Inputs
U.S. Patents 3,992,584, & 4,864,627
Protech Audio Corporation, PO Box 597, 192 Cedar River Road, Indian Lake, New York, 12842, Voice 518-648-6410 Fax 518-648-6395