Protech Audio 697B User Manual

The Model 697B Priority Switcher card is designed for use
in professional audio applications. The card has 5 inputs, and
a single output. Each input may be turned on, via an external
ground closure, until an input with a higher priority number
comes on. At that point the input with a lower priority level
will be shut off until the higher level priority channel releases
control. Then the lower priority channel will again be turned
on. There are 5 levels of priority on each card. The cards may
be linked together to create additional levels of priority.
The application of the card is found in public address
systems, emergency communication systems, or training
systems. The actual application of the priority switcher is
found in buildings such as airports, factories, office build-
ings, mass transit systems, operator training systems. and
convention centers.
Each input, and the output, are double-pole. This allows the
priority switcher to handle balanced lines. All five sets of
closures are solid-state CMOS switches. When activated, the
switch closure set goes to a low-on resistance. This action
allows the unit to switch even microphone level signals,
without introducing objectionable pops and clicks. When
deactivated, or over-ridden by a higher priority level closure,
the CMOS switch goes to a high resistance state.
In addition to the five sets of solid-state closures, the Model
697B has a built-in double-pole, double-throw relay, capable
of switching loads up to 5 amps. The relay may be used to
control by-pass relays mounted in various remote speaker
attenuators. When used in this manner, the relay will automati-
cally switch the remote relays over to a "Full Volume"
setting, for emergency announcements. This relay circuit is
controlled by strapping the relay ground leg (via on-board
push-on jumpers) to the control port for each solid-state
closure set. This arrangement allows the user to strap the relay
to any or all CMOS ground closures, to create the volume
override condition.
The Model 697B Priority Switcher card is linkable. By
strapping two cards together, the user can effectively create 10
levels of priority. Switch #1 on card #1 would have the highest
level of priority. Switch #5 on card #2 would have the lowest
level. Cards may be linked in any number within a card frame
to create additional levels of priority.
The Model 697B Priority Switcher card may used in
conjunction with Model 590 Programmable Switcher card to
create switching systems incorporating features such as lock-
out, last-on, and all-call.
The Model 697B has been designed to provide the user with
years of reliable, uninterrupted service.
Model 697B Shown
Protech Audio Corporation, PO Box 597, 192 Cedar River Road, Indian Lake, New York, 12842, Voice 518-648-6410 Fax 518-648-6395