Live setup – OpenEye RADIUS v.4.05 User Manual
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Use the Live Setup to configure on screen display options, full-screen on alarm settings, and JPEG
image capture on alarm.
Auto Switching Time (Sec) Sets time between the camera view sequencing
PTZ controller transparency setting Set the transparency level of the PTZ controller.
Enable full window when double clicked in live mode Enable to show a channel full screen when
the live mode display is double-clicked.
Reset live video position on disconnection Resets video positioning to display in sequential order.
Show PTZ controller with advanced mode Show that advanced menu when the PTZ controller
Hide hidden cameras in tree list Exclude cameras, which are set to be hidden from a user, from the
tree list of cameras.
Hold Screen Ratio
Preserves the native aspect ratio of the video.
Hide all OSD Hide all on screen display text.
Hide at 64 division Disables the on-screen display for the 64ch screen division option.
Use Font Setting Change the font and font size of the on screen display text.
Save Directory The location to which alarm images are saved.
Jpeg Capture on Alarm Capture a JPEG image of the associated channel on an alarm event.
Full Screen Channel On Alarm Show alarm video full screen on motion or sensor alarm.
The duration defines the amount of time the video will display before a subsequent alarm
video can display. Single alarms will display full screen until closed by the user.
Audio play mode Quality first – Play best quality video / Sync first – Keep audio synced with video
Set Schedule Filter out Normal Alarms, by category, from the Event Viewer display.
On-screen display options
Location to
save image
Filter out Normal Alarms from Event Viewer display