Exit – Omnia Audio Omnia.ONE User Manual
Page 63
[Ana De-emp] (Analog De-emphasis)
This control sets the De-emphasis for the analog XLR outputs. It does not affect
the headphone jack output, which has its own automatic de-emphasis. There are
two choices for De-emphasis: “On” and “Off”. When on, the De-emphasis
automatically follows the setting of the Pre-emphasis control.
[AES De-emp] (AES/EBU De-emphasis)
This control sets the De-emphasis for the AES/EBU digital output. There are
two choices for De-emphasis: “On” and “Off”. When on, the De-emphasis
automatically follows the setting of the Pre-emphasis control.
[LW De-emp] (Livewire De-emphasis)
This control sets the De-emphasis for the Livewire output. There are two
choices for De-emphasis: “On” and “Off”. When on, the De-emphasis
automatically follows the setting of the Pre-emphasis control.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The De-emphasis should normally be set to “Off” when feeding
an outboard digital exciter, stereo generator or discrete, uncompressed studio-transmitter
link (STL).
In these kinds of installations it is very important that the Omnia.ONE FM is the ONLY
device applying the pre-emphasis. All other equipment following the Omnia.ONE FM
must have their pre-emphasis disabled for optimum peak modulation control and sound
When set to “On”, these outputs can also be de-emphasized for applications that require
a flat frequency response, such as when used for monitoring.
ITU BS-412 Power Limiter
In certain parts of the world, the average multiplex signal power must be controlled to
reduce adjacent channel interference. The currently enforced standard falls under the ITU
BS-412 regulations. The Omnia.ONE FM has a very effective Multiplex Power Limiter
that may be enabled to comply with these regulations.
Loudness Loss Warning!
If your country's regulatory agency does not require the use of the ITU BS-412 Multiplex
Power Limiter, make certain that the BS-412 Power Limiter is set to “Off”, or severe loss
of loudness will result! For example, when the ITU BS-412 Power Limiter is switched on
and set at 0.0dB, there is approximately a FIVE dB loudness loss over the limiter being
switched off!
This control enables (On) or disables (Off) the BS-412 Power Limiter. The
default setting is Off.
[BS-412 Lim]
When On above, this control sets the average multiplex power from -3.0dB up
to 9.0dB (in 0.25dB steps) with respect to the original 0.0dB ITU BS-412
Click on this option to return to the Output submenu
Click on this option to return to the Input/Output menu.