Chapter-3: getting the sound you want, Fm style, The factory presets – Omnia Audio Omnia.ONE User Manual

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Chapter-3: Getting the Sound You Want

This chapter is divided into four sections, one each for the 4 different Omnia.ONE processing styles, beginning with
the FM style below.

Please refer to the section that applies to the style your Omnia.ONE is running:

AM style:

Page 16


Multicast/DAB style:

Page 20


Studio Pro style:

Page 26


The SG style is not covered in this chapter since it contains no processing.

FM Style

Welcome to the OMNIA.ONE FM!

Don’t let the small single-rack sized package fool you! Omnia.ONE’s new hardware platform allows us to pack
more power in its single rack space than the original Omnia.FM had in three!

This chapter explains generally how to alter the sound of the Omnia.ONE FM factory presets, if desired, using the
controls explained in the Adjust Processing section of Chapter 4. Always go through all of the factory presets first,
regardless of their name, and start with the factory preset that is closest to the sound you are looking for.

The Factory Presets

If you go through and listen to all of the included factory presets, you should get a “feel” for them and find one to
start with that is close to the sound you are looking for.

Please keep in mind that the “formats” used to name the presets are only guidelines and are not engraved in stone.
We had to call them something!

Always make sure your input levels and modulation are set properly before beginning your evaluation of presets.

Proper Setting of Input Levels

on Page 11.

It is also important to adjust the main “Clip Drive” control as low as possible for the loudness you need for each
preset that you try. This is because the “Clipper Drive” controls the primary tradeoff between loudness and

We suggest that each time you try a new factory preset, you adjust the Clip Drive in the Processing / Adjust
Processing / Clipper menu as follows: Starting with the default setting for a preset, adjust it down in 0.5 dB steps
until the loudness just drops below the desired level and then bring it up slightly from there. This should be the
optimum setting for your station and market. With most presets, there should be room to turn it up a bit as well if a
bit more loudness is needed. Turn it up just enough to achieve the desired loudness level. If you have to turn it up
too much, to the point where distortion becomes obtrusive, it would probably be best to start with a more aggressive

The Omnia.ONE FM is definitely capable of generating moment-to-moment loudness; it has the muscle. It also
maintains that famous Omnia clarity sought after by top programmers all over the world.

Omnia.ONE FM is designed to minimize the impact of the quality vs. loudness trade-off.