13 changing the alias of an item – Nevion Multicon MRP User Manual
Page 19

Modular Routing Protocol - MRP
Rev. L
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? "parlist pg23"
par pg23 0 bool wrap rw "Laser" "Laser control for
maintenance" "Laser" ""
par pg23 1 enum "4:3","16:9LB","16:9" wrap rw "Aspect
ratio" "Aspect ratio for output" "ARC" ""
par pg23 2 fixedpoint 1 s1 u300 l-150 d"dB" trunc r "Video
gain" "Analog Component video gain adjustment" "Gain" ""
For the enum data type, a simple integer is used for status and set messages,
numbered from 0 to option count - 1 where n is the number of possible values.
5.13 Changing the alias of an item
All items that have a
time. The response is the details of the item as returned by other commands. Multiple items
of the same type can be changed by the same command. The multiple item features should
be used for increasing performance when changing many aliases.
This command changes the system configuration. The complete system must
be available to get a consistent configuration.