MicroLinks PRO10 - user manual User Manual

Page 51

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PRO10 Application Program


Copyright © 2008-2011 MicroLinks Technology Corp.

Fig.5-49 New scale name file dialog

After creating new file, input vertical and horizontal‟s scale value shown in

Fig.5-50 and if want to change scale color, select on “choose color” button to

change color.

Fig.5-50 Input vertical and horizontal scale value

 Scale ratio

The machine‟s Sensor of image ratio is 4:3, if checked fixed ratio, then the

horizontal and vertical scale will make the adjustment by 4:3 ratio, shown in Fig.

5-51. For example, input in the horizontal scale value to 400, the vertical scale

value will automatically adjust to 300.

On the other hand, due to the AP will automatically calculate the scale range

for horizontal or vertical scale, thus, the user just need to measure and enter one of