Ch 5 - discrete output modules, Pointscan/243, Overview – Measurement Computing PointScan 200 Series rev.1.0 User Manual

Page 23: Wiring, I/o registers, Tpo feature, 5 - discrete output modules, 8 channel high output current, Module, Discrete output modules 5

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PointScan/200 User’s Manual


Analog Input Modules 5-1

Discrete Output Modules



8 Channel High Output Current Module


Eight discrete output channels provide up to 3 Amps DC to motor contactors, valves, and other loads.
Overload and thermal shutdown protection are provided. Each of the eight outputs may optionally be
configured as Time Proportioned Outputs that pulse ON at a duty cycle proportional to an analog output
register value. Typically these TPO outputs are controlled by a PID loop or other process algorithm in a
control program. More information may be found in the on-line help supplied with the IO Toolkit.

Number of Channels

8 discrete outputs connected to a common DC source

Output Voltage Range

10 - 30 VDC

Max. Load per Output

3 Amps

Max. Load per Module

10 Amps

Max. Inrush Current

10 Amps (for 100 mS)


Two terminals, including a ground return, are provided for each output channel. All channels are powered
by a common DC source which is connected to the DC power input terminal.

I/O Registers


IOtech Registers

Modbus Registers

Discrete Outputs

Y0 - Y7

00001 - 00008

TPO Values

AY0 - AY7

40001 - 40008 0 to 100% ON: 0

Æ 32767

TPO Feature

Time proportioned outputs pulse ON and OFF with a duty cycle proportional to an analog value stored in
an analog output register. TPO outputs are a low cost way to get smooth proportional control of heaters and
other process variables. Typically, TPO analog output registers are assigned to the output of PID or other
control program. Use the IO Toolkit to set pulse cycling as fast as 10 mS or as slow (many minutes) as your
system dynamics require. Each output may be individually configured as a TPO or ordinary discrete output.