Measurement Computing Digital HS User Manual
Page 4

This output line provides an active 1µSec pulse upon
detection of the IEEE 488 multiline command GET. This
control line is switch selectable for either active high or
active low operation.
This output line provides an active low signal for
approximately 100msec at power on and for the duration
of the time /iReset is active plus approximately 100msec.
This input line provides an external method to power-on
cycle the Digital488HS/32. When this line is low, the
/oReset line also becomes active low.
Serial Poll Bit #1. An external input to the
Digital488HS/32 serial poll register which can be read via
IEEE 488 serial polls. This condition may also be switch
selected to generate an SRQ on the IEEE 488 bus.
Serial Poll Bit #2. An external input to the
Digital488HS/32 serial poll register which can be read via
IEEE 488 serial polls. This condition may also be switch
selected to generate an SRQ on the IEEE 488 bus.
The output buffers on the digital output port are placed in
tri-state when this line is in an inactive (high) state. This
allows use of the Digital488HS/32 as a bidirectional
interface, connecting the input and output port data lines