D-Link DFL-700 User Manual
Page 128

Select service: ftp_outbound
Schedule should be always
Check the Traffic shaping box and enter 1000 as up and downstream guarantee.
Click Apply
3. Click Activate and wait for the firewall to restart.
FTP traffic from LAN to WAN will now be guaranteed half of the total bandwidth to the
Internet, 1mbit/s of 2mbit/s. If there are no FTP connections, or if the bandwidth usage of the
FTP connections are less than 1mbit/s other services can use the bandwidth. The guaranteed
bandwidth isn’t reserved for FTP traffic only. Eg if the FTP session is using 800kbit/s, all other
services could still use all of the reminding 1200kbit/s.
Important note! The WAN interface speed under System->Interfaces must match the
speed of the Internet connection for guarantees to work. If the bandwidth is set to high, traffic
shaping will not work.
Traffic shaping could also be used for VPN connections. An IP phone connection over an
IPsec LAN-to-LAN tunnel could for example be guaranteed a certain amount of bandwidth.
Traffic shaping for VPN is done in the same way as physical interfaces. First make sure Allow
all VPN traffic is unchecked (Firewall->Policies->Global settings). Select the interfaces
under Custom policy, eg LAN to IPsecTunnel01, and click Show. Now policies for the VPN
interface can be created in a similar way as the setups in the guides above to make
guarantees or limits.