Q-See Computer Hardware User Manual
Q-See Hardware
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Introduction
- Summarization
- System Requirements
- System Specifications
- Hardware Installation
- Video Capture Card Hardware
- Install Video Capture Card Driver
- Run Setup.exe, and the installation interface appears as shown below:
- H.264 Series Video Capture Card Installation Interface
- Welcome Page
- Select Video Format
- Rate of Progress of Driver Installation
- Select Installation Folder
- Selecting program folder
- Driver and Application Installation Finished
- Shortcut of SuperDVR
- Installing the Software on VISTA
- Main Display Interface
- System Setup
- P.T.Z Control
- Record Search & Playing Back
- Search and Playback Interface
- Record Search
- Playing Back and Control
- Playing Back and Control
- Playing Speed Controller
- Recorded Files Browser
- Multiple Channel Playback Control
- Channel Configuration Dialog for Single Channel Playback Mode
- Channel Configuration Dialog for 4-channel Playback Mode
- Channel Configuration Dialog for 9-channel Playback Mode
- Channel Configuration Dialog for 16-channel Playing Back Mode
- Other Functions
- Remote Surveillance & Playback
- Remote Live Surveillance
- Remote Surveillance Server Configuration
- Setting up Router for Internet Access
- Notice: If you cannot use one of the HTTP ports, such as 80 because it is being used by another program, or it is being blocked by your service provider, you can use another port in the same range. If you do so then you need to forward the IP address ...
- User name and password here are the same as that used on the DVR. The default is admin and 123456.
- Port Forwarding
- Finding Router’s Public IP address
- Dynamic Domain Name Services
- To Access through Internet Explorer
- Unknown Publisher or Unsigned Program Error
- Accessing IE client
- Remote playback
- Record playback and control
- Fig 7.14 Remote playback
- Fig 7.15 Remote backup
- Select the date, channel, then click Search button. It will list all files recorded for the day.
- Click Browse button, set the saving path.
- Select files in the search area. Users can hold shift button on the keyboard and select multi files with mouse simultaneously.
- Click Backup button to do remote backup.
- Fig 7.16 Channel configuration window for 1 channel playback mode
- Fig7.17 Channel configuration window for 4 channel playback mode
- Fig 7.18 Data Preview
- Record playback and control
- System setup
- Fig 7.19 Basic Configuration
- Basic Configuration
- Camera setup
- Schedule configuration
- Alarm configuration
- Record configuration
- Motion configuration
- Fig 7.29 Motion configuration
- Definition of the setup items:
- 1. Sensitivity
- Users can set motion detection sensitivity here.
- 2. Speed
- Motion detection speed
- 3. Block number
- Set grid’s number
- 4. Select all
- Select all the areas of the channel as detection area
- 5. Clear all
- Clear all the detection areas and then users can select customized detection areas using mouse curser.
- By clicking , users can copy the setting of this channel to any other selected channel.
- EMAIL Configuration
- Fig 7.30 Email configuration
- 1. Mail server setup
- Fig 7.31 Mail server setup
- In this area, users can set receiver and sender’s E-mail SMTP server and address. Note: the address of receiver and sender can be the same.
- Relative Definitions:
- Smtp server: Sender’s SMTP, such as smtp.yahoo.com
- User name: Sender’s User Name
- Smtp port: Mail server’s port, the default value of mail server is25.
- Password: Sender’s Password
- Users can select ‘My server requires a secure connections’ or ‘My outgoing server(SMTP)requires authentication’check box according to server mail service policy of mail service supplier.
- 2. Mail setup
- Fig 7.32 Mail setup
- Fig 7.33 Attachment setup
- Enable ‘Attachment’, then the image that triggered the alarm will be sent to appointed mailbox when an alarm is triggered.
- P.T.Z Configuration
- Mobile Surveillance
- By Smart Phone with Win Mobile Pro or Classic Operating System
- First, activate the network access on the mobile phone, and then run “Internet Explorer”.
- Input the public IP address you need to use to connect as shown below:
- Click on the software name. A dialog box will pop up.
- Click “Yes” to download and install.
- PCam will be opened after installed.
- Input the server’s address, ID, and password respectively in the columns of “Server”, “User”, and “Password”. Then click “Go” to login to the DVR. It will show the picture if accessed successfully.
- Camera 1 is the default display after login. Change the camera in the drop down menu of “Channel”.
- By Smart Phone with Symbian Operating System
- First, enable the network access on mobile phone, and then run Web browser.
- Input the DVR server’s IP address in a new-built bookmark) Click this bookmark to connect with the DVR.
- A welcome window will pop up with a link to download the software. Click “install package” to download.
- The security window will pop up after downloaded and ask if you want to install the package. Click YES to install.
- A Scam shortcut icon appears on the system menu after finished.
- Run Scam program.
- Click Options--->Settings to enter login interface.
- Input the server’s address, ID and password respectively. Then click OK to login to the DVR. (See 4.1.2 Accessing the DVR over the Internet)
- It will show the camera after accessing successfully.
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Appendix 2.1 Installation
- Appendix 2.2 How to Use SuperDVR
- Appendix 2.2.1 Meanings of the indicator lights
- Appendix 2.2.2 How do the different record modes work?
- Appendix 2.2.3 How to set recycling record mode on the system
- Appendix 2.2.4 How to set auto reboot function
- Appendix 2.2.5 How to quickly setup the schedule record function
- Appendix 2.2.6 What are the byte rates for different image qualities from highest to normal?
- Appendix 2.2.7 The frame rate seems to be lower than what I set
- Appendix 2.2.8 Why can’t I select more channels to backup?
- Appendix 2.3 How to Use Network Function
- Appendix 2.3.1 How to monitor on the client-side
- Appendix 2.3.2 Why can’t I download the client-side software?
- Appendix 2.3.3 Why can’t the server be configured at the client-side?
- Appendix 2.3.4 Why can’t I see the images?
- Appendix 2.3.5 What should I do if the Internet speed is quite slow?
- Appendix 2.3.6 Why can’t I start Webcam server or RPB server?
- Appendix 2.3.7 How much hard drive space do the recorded files take up?
- Appendix 2.4 Other Questions
- Appendix 2.4.1 Why doesn’t the computer display work, or why can’t I access Window system?
- Appendix 2.4.2 Why I can’t find the recorded files?
- Appendix 2.4.3 Why is the screen’s display unstable with dithering and water-wave images?
- Appendix 2.4.4 Why does it delay playing back, and why is it slow to close and open the driver?
- Appendix 2.4.5 Why can’t I play back?
- Appendix 2.4.6 Why do I see some gray blocks on time progress bar area when playing back?
- Appendix 2.4.7 Why could I see some old recording sections that weren’t available for play back?
- Appendix 2.4.8 Precautions on changing system time
- Appendix 2.4.9 If system time must be changed, please do following preparations first
- If new time is later than current computer time (for example, change 2006/01/01 0:0:0 (current system time) to 2007/01/01 0:0:0 (target time)), the change can be made directly.
- If new time is before the current computer time (for example, change 2007/01/01 0:0:0 (current system time) to 2006/01/01 0:0:0 (target time)), first stop the video recording, backup all video data. Turn off SuperDVR, change computer time, and re-star...
- Appendix 2.4.10 How to use REPAIRDB to repair SuperDVR database
- Appendix 2.4.11 How to set power options of Microsoft VISTA system
- Quick Start for Using
- Appendix 3.1 Installation Instructions
- Insert the PCI card (But do not connect the Camera yet).
- Launch Windows.
- Windows will come up with Hardware wizard. Just click ‘Cancel’.
- Put the installation CD in the drive and open up SuperDVR folder and run the ‘Setup’ file.
- Follow the steps and in WinXP, it will come up with a message saying the program has not passed Windows logo testing, just select ‘Continue anyway’.
- Reboot computer once installation has completed.
- Appendix 3.2 Troubleshooting
- Appendix3.2.1 When opening the SuperDVR program, it says ‘ Can’t find card ’.
- Appendix 3.2.2 How to setup the web client to monitor from Internet
- On Main Computer where DVR Card Installed
- Make sure the computer is connected to Internet. DSL or Cable Modem, or T1/T3 line.
- Find out your router’s public IP address. You can go to 6Twww.myipaddress.com6T from a computer the card is installed in.
- Open up the SuperDVR program and go to basic configuration. Checkmark ENABLE Web Camera Service and Remote Play Back Service.
- Make Note of Data Port, Command Port and RPB port.
- On Remote Client Computer
- Minimum Requirement for the client computer:
- Open up Internet Explorer.
- In the IE textbox of the Internet explorer, input the router’s Public IP (see section 7.2.2).
- Select ‘Live Surveillance’ and click ‘OK’ on displayed page.
- On Desktop now you should see ‘Webcam’ and ‘Remote Playback’ icon.
- Open up Webcam, click ‘Key’ symbol icon.
- Click ‘OK’. Now you should be able to view the live video from main computer.
- To play back the Video that has been recorded in Main Computer, Select ‘Remote Playback’ on displayed page.
- Click on ‘Config’.
- Then click ‘OK’.
- Click ‘Login’. Now you should be able to play back the recorded video from Main Computer.
- On Main Computer where DVR Card Installed
- Appendix 3.1 Installation Instructions
- Function Tree
- Q-See Product Warranty