MacroSystem Title effect package User Manual

Title effect package

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Title effect package

© Copyright 2002 MacroSystem Digital Video AG

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user‘s manual

With most of the effects explained below, it is possible to select fading times using the „Page Fade“,
„Letter Fade“, „Line Fade“ or „Box Fade“ options. As the titles can be made to cross each other and
other factors such as the chosen effect time or the number of boxes can have an effect on the lines and
letters, this online help merely serves the purpose of helping a little with the use - effects based on a
different use will be explained separately.

The Page Fade is the time range for fading a page both in and out, i.e. a Page Fade is made twice in an
effect. If the set Page Fade is longer than the maximum possible time, it’ll automatically be shortened.
The maximum available time is the effect time range divided by the amount of pages divided by two
(fade in and out).

Time range 10:00, 5 pages in the document -> the Page Fade can be set to a max. of 1:00.

The Box Fade, Line Fade or Letter Fade is the time for fading or moving the respective elements. It is
not possible to makes this longer than the page fade time. It can not be made longer if the amount of
elements times the fade time is shorter than the page fade. The single fade times can be made to cross
each other.

Example 1:
Page fade 2:00, 3 lines, line fade 1:00. In this case, the second line is already moving/fading even before
the first line is done. The same goes for the third line.

Example 2:
Page fade 5:00 3 lines, line fade 1:00. Here, the fading time is 3 * 1:00 = 3:00. The rest of the page fade is
added to the unmoving part of the effect.

Adding Page

The text is faded in and out in a special way: The new text page is faded in addition to the old page - the
old page remains in the video.