General information, Installation / starting the program – MacroSystem Pro-Pack User Manual

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1. General information

Thank you for purchasing the Pro-Pack!

We appreciate the trust you have placed in our
company and our products and hope that this
package will fulfil all of your expectations.

With the Pro-Pack software, your system will
become much more powerful and efficient (the
individual features of this software package
are explained in the Functions section of this
This manual will help you with the installation
and the application of the Pro-Pack.

We are available for further questions and
suggestions about future improvements.

Whenever you contact us, please have your
customer number or the serial number of your
device at hand so that we can help you more

Address :
MacroSystem Digital Video AG
Postfach 020240
58290 Wetter

MacroSystem US
5485 Conestoga Court
Boulder, Colorado


0 +49 (0)2335/960-0



(North America)

[email protected]


[email protected] (North America)

0 +49 (0)2335/960-100



(North America)

Up-to-date information on MacroSystem pro-
ducts and our sales department can be found on
the Internet.

Please visit our Websites: (Germany) (North America)

Phone Support
If you have special technical questions, you can
call our technical support hotline:

(North America)
Monday - Friday 9a.m. - 5p.m. (Mountain Stan-
dard Time)

Outside of these times you can email or fax us.
Messages received in this way are handled du-
ring business hours.

E-Mail Support
[email protected]


[email protected] (North America)
[email protected] (N.A.)
[email protected] (N .A.)

Fax Support
+49 (0)2335/960-110



(North America)

2. Installation / Starting the


Leave your system switched on and, in the
System settings menu, press the Install product
button to open the corresponding window. If
you are installing from a SmartMedia card,
insert it into the drive. When you insert the card,
make sure the gold-colored contacts are facing
downwards and the beveled corner is at the
front left, i.e. pointing towards the device.
If the Pro-Pack software is supplied on a CD/DVD
and your system is equipped with a DVD drive
and the DVD-Arabesk software, you should open
the drive tray and insert the CD/DVD into the
DVD burner.
If you are installing from a CD/DVD, you might
hear clearly audible sounds coming from the
drive – this indicates that the system is reading
the CD/DVD.