MacroSystem PiP-Studio 3D User Manual

Page 9

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Click on this button, pull up a window where you
can use the slider controls Begin key pause in
and End key pause out to set a pause time at the
beginning and end of the path.
In addition, you can determine whether the
Acceleration (motion rate prior to pause time)
and Deceleration (motion rate after the pause
time) is slow, medium or fast.
You can also determine the Number of rotations
during the movement. The number of rotations
is then effective when the view of the scene at
the beginning and end is oriented differently.

• Rename path: Use this button to display the
keyboard which you can use to set the desired
name of the active path.

Once you have determined all the desired
settings in the Current path menu, click on the
Waypoint (3) button to pull up the following

4.2.3 Waypoint menu

In this menu you can determine the settings for
a specific route point in the path.
There are two different kinds of points in the
path, route points and points for route guidance.
Route points for instance are the starting and
finishing point, as well as the points in between,
where you can determine the PIP settings.

To create an extra route point, click on the
point on the path line between the starting and
finishing point, where the new point is to be
added. A small green coloured (= active) point
then appears on the line. This point is then
considered to be a route guide.
Click again on this point to activate it (= blue),
and you can now change the position by moving
the trackball button. Press the left trackball
button again and the new position is set.
You can also move a point out of the working
surface which is currently displayed. The display
is then reduced and the surrounding area is
greyed out.

To find out how a route guide becomes a route
point, refer to the chapter entitled Convert
(see below).

• Scale keyframe: Use this button to change
the size of the PIP image, which has the default
setting of 100. Click on it and a new list appears
at the side of the image, where you can read the
Then move the trackball and you will see that
the value shown at the bottom right starts to
change. Move it to the left to reduce the size
of the image, move it to the right to enlarge
the size of the image. Click on the left trackball
button to confirm and save the new setting.

• Move waypoint Z: Use this function to move
the PIP on the dimensional axis, ie. to edit the
route guide. This makes it smaller or bigger,
but when it is moving it looks like it is moving
backwards or forwards. Click on this button to
open a new list again and you can change the Z
axis by moving the trackball. Then confirm the
value by clicking on the left trackball button.

Time: Use this button to determine at what
point in time the effect duration should be
reached for the route point which is currently
active. The value to be set depends on the times
of the previous and next route points. So, if for
example the first PIP image is not to be visible at
the start of the effect time, then the time of the
starting point must not be 00:00.

Rotation: To change the PIP in its current
position, you have two options.
You can either use the Rotation button to select
the axis which you want to change.
The setting for Camera: x, y, z axis is usually
active. You will therefore see a crosshair above
the PIP, which is surrounded by a yellow circle
and a red square.
You can therefore use the left trackball button to
directly select each axis in the image and then