MacroSystem MagicLights User Manual

Page 8

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lighting conditions again. This kind of effect can
be achieved using short effect times, though
a longer running effect also creates a fantastic
This effect has three options:
(1) Threshold: This control is used for setting
the light-dark value that is used as a basis for
(2) Transition: The transition between colored
surfaces can be softened and color nuances set.
(3) Time: This control allows you to set the time
during which the maximum flash can be seen.
The setting should be shorter than the total ef-
fect length.

5.4 Flashlight 1

This effect simulates a flash of light occurring
behind the viewer. The scene or parts of the
scene are illuminated by bright sequences giv-
ing the viewer the impression that he is seeing
There are four effect options:
(1) Area: This button is used to define the area of
the picture that the flash light is pointed at.
(2) Transition: This control is used to determine
how gentle the transition at the edge of the se-
lected area should be.
(3) Frequency: You can use this control to specify
within what maximum timeframe a flash should
be generated. To prevent the flashes from ap-
pearing in a rhythmical sequence, a flash also
appears within a shorter timeframe.
4) Brightness: You can use this control to set the
intensity of the flash light.

5.5 Flashlight 2

This effect simulates a flash of light occurring in
front of a camera. This gives the viewer the im-
pression that he is looking into flashes of light.
You must select an area of the scene where
you want the light flashes to occur. You can, for
instance, choose to apply the effect to objects
or groups of people so that only flashes of light
occur there.
The four effect options are described as follows:
(1) Area: You can use this button to specify
where the flashes of light should occur.
(2) Position: This is where you can select wheth-
er the flashes of light should be calculated in
the centre of the area (“Fixed”) or whether the

flashes should be calculated at a random posi-
tion in the specified area (“Variable”).
(3) Frequency: You can use this control to specify
within what maximum timeframe a flash should
be generated. To prevent the flashes from ap-
pearing in a rhythmical sequence, a flash also
appears within a shorter timeframe.
(4) Flash: Clicking on this button will open a
window in which you can adjust three additional
Under the “Mode” option you can specify the
type and size of the flash.
The “Size” setting defines the maximum size of
a variable flash or the size when a flash occurs
in fixed mode.
You can use the “Beams” button to select the
number of rays in the flash of light.

5.6 Dye 2

This effect is used to colorize a picture. After
specifying two color values, a color table con-
taining color mixes is generated. These colors
are assigned to the brightness values in the
picture. This ensures that many different types
of colorization are possible, e.g. black/white,
red/green, yellow/blue, green/black, etc.
The effect has three options:
(1) Replace Black: This button is used to open
the color box so that you can select the color
that you want to use for the dark picture areas.
(2) Replace White: This is where you select the
color that you want to use for the bright picture
(3) Strength: This control specifies with what
intensity the color table should have an effect on
the picture.

5.7 Color Pick

You can use this effect to extract a color value
from a scene that is selected using a freely ad-
justable area. If you select a large area, a color
mix is generated from the selected color values.
If you want to select a particular color, you must
keep the size of the selected area as small as
With this effect, the functions associated with
the “Full Size”, “Preview” and “Create” buttons
are not supported since this is only an “auxil-
iary” effect.
The effect has two options: