MacroSystem Object-Tracer User Manual

Page 3

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© MacroSystem Digital Video AG

Stabilize Image 1

This allows you to stabilize footage that suffers from camera shake. The principle of this
feature involves trying to keep a selected area - the reference area - as still as possible.
Please note that, in the case of pan shots, no tracking will take place - use of this function
therefore only makes sense for footage in which the scene content hardly moves.

Note: When rendering the effect with "Auto-Scaling" being activated, a black picture is
shown for a short while. During this time, the scaled image is being rendered. After this,
rendering begins.

Reference area:
This allows you to specify the image content that you want to be used as the stationary
reference point for the scene.

Besides the options already described at the beginning, there are some more settings for
the rendering quality and for an optional sharpening of the image.

If, during stabilizing, the normally invisible edges of the image come into view in the
scene, you can activate auto-scaling which results in the scene being magnified so that
the edges are not displayed. This setting should only be used if there is only minor image
movement, or else the scene will be scaled too much.

Stabilize Image 2

This works in a similar way to "Image stabilizer 1" but uses two reference areas. This al-
lows a rotational movement of the camera (tilt) to also be compensated. The tilt compen-
sation works best if the two reference areas are far apart. As an additional option, you
can also rotate the image, for instance, to make the horizon appear level.

Note: When rendering the effect with "Auto-Scaling" being activated, a black picture is
shown for a short while. During this time, the scaled image is being rendered. After this,
rendering begins.

Reference area 1+2:
This allows you to specify the image contents that you want to be used as the stationary
reference points for the scene.

Besides the options already described at the beginning, there are some more settings for
the rendering quality and for an optional sharpening of the image.

If, during stabilizing, the normally invisible edges of the image come into view in the
scene, you can activate the scaling function which results in the scene being magnified
so that the edges are not displayed. This should only be used if there is only minor image
movement, or else the scene will be scaled too much.