MacroSystem DVD-Arabesk 3 User Manual
Page 28

the magnifying glass) and drag the mouse to
size the rectangle.
A medium-sized background icon for DVD-
Arabesk 3 must be of size 102 x 96 (NTSC = 120
x 80). Add this value to the coordinates and
subtract 1 so that the rectangle is positioned at
the coordinates 565, 185 (NTSC = 565, 169).
Confirm by clicking on the left trackball key.
You have just created a window as a wall.
Then select the color green in the palette
window and click on the closed-polygon tool.
With the help of the crosshairs ( in the
magnifying-glass function) draw window frames
at the left and right edges of the window.
With the selection button to the upper right
activate the option Drawing and cut out the
complete window including the frames by
using the rectangle brush. To do this draw an
enclosing rectangle around the object. Set the
fuzziness to 0%, the width to 100% and click on
the button Stamp.
Repeat stamping until you have four windows in
the wall.
Finally, exit Akaba - New Concept and click on
Ok in the Special menu so that the 20-second
scene is calculated.
Start DVD-Arabesk 3 and enter the menu item
Background. Under Mode select the option
Scene and call up project selection with
Select. Confirm the active project so that the
corresponding scene bin appears, and confirm
the selection of the scene created previously
with Akaba - New Concept by clicking on “Ok”.
Under Mode activate the function Still.
In the menu item Stamps select under Type
the setting Stamp f. Scene, select a medium
size and position the icons next to each other by
using the button Position in the windows
created with Akaba - New Concept.