MacroSystem Deluxe-Titler 3D User Manual

Page 7

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text input function here.
(With Deluxe Titler 3D, you can ignore the Enter/
edit text
button that you see below the options).
If you click on the Enter text button the
following menu opens:

• You will see the text in the top part of the
window. If the text extends past the text input
area, you can use the vertical slider control or
the arrows to scroll up or down so you can read
the entire text.

Keyboard: In the lower area you will see a
keyboard that you are already familiar with from
the SMART EDIT titler. Enter the text in the usual

Font: If you click on this button, the familiar
window for setting the font type and size opens.

Add line: If you click on this button a new
line is inserted at the current cursor position.
Pressing the return key on the keyboard has the
same function.
If, for example, the cursor is positioned in front
of the first word of the line, a new line will be
inserted above the current line – if the cursor is
positioned somewhere else, a new line will be
inserted below the current line.

Delete line: If you click on this button, the line
in which the cursor is currently located will
be deleted. Caution, this action is performed
without prior warning!

2D style: If you click on this button the
following window opens:

This is where you can make adjustments to the
two-dimensional view of the entire line in which
the cursor is currently positioned.

- The Italic setting allows you to change the
italicization of the text. The options range from
-60° (slanted fully to the left) to 60° (slanted fully
to the right).

- The Char width setting allows you to change
the width of the letters and characters in a line.
To change the value, set the slider to the desired
percentage (50-200 %) – values over 100 % make
the characters wider and values below 100 %
make them narrower.

- With the Char space function, you can expand
or compress the line without changing the
width of the individual letters. Enter the desired
percentage (50-200 %) of spacing. Values over
100 % expand the line and values below 100 %
compress it.

- You can use the Justification function to make
the line appear left aligned, centered or right

- The Line space setting allows you to change
the spacing in percent (50-200 %) between the
selected line and the one beneath it.

- If you activate the Style to all lines function,
you can apply the settings that you changed for