2 all – MacroSystem Arabesk 5 User Manual
Page 18

Clicking on the text field next to “Film” activates the keyboard,
which can be used to change the name of the selected movie.
Please note that name changes also happen in the menu.
The “Datarate” and “Audio mode” information fields are a good
way to verify the settings made in the “Add Film” window.
Clicking on the “Remove Film” button will first display a warn-
ing, and then remove the selected movie which will also not
be written on the DVD during the burning process. The up and
down arrow buttons can be used to change the order of the
movies that have already been added. Select a movie in the list
and click then on the arrows to move the movie up or down.
This way, all movies can be put in their desired position.
Clicking on the play button will play the activated movie.
The play function will not play the chapter menus, but will
instead start the movie right away.
Please refer to the next item “Operating a virtual display” to
find out how to operate this playback of a movie.
Use the “Edit Chapters” button to modify an existing chap-
ter menu. The button is only active when you have already
defined a chapter menu for the movie before you added it.
Since the film is rendered just prior to burning, it is possible to
continue editing the chapter menu until the end. If you have
already completed a manual rendering process for previously
unrendered films, all movies that existed until then have been
rendered to a point that makes further chapter menu edit-
ing impossible. Whether a movie has already been rendered
or not, can be seen in the movie list. A movie marked by an
asterisk after its length has not yet been rendered. All movies
without an asterisk have already been added to the DVD.
Note: As long as movies have not yet been rendered for
Arabesk, any changes made to the project will be taken into
account for the final rendering.
4.2 All
Clicking on the All function will open a window with information
about the assembled virtual disk which is stored on the hard
disk, but has not yet been burned.
This shows the number of movies, total duration, and used and
free capacity as a percentage. If you have select Blu-ray as the
reference medium, there will be a “(BD)” after the percentage.
Click on the “Create” button to render the settings that have
been made for the menu. The time needed for the rendering
process depends on the background and the movies that are
being used.
Clicking the play button in this menu will automatically do all
rendering work. Rendering everything is required in order to
test the virtual DVD.
Operating a virtual display The player menu is shown below.
The background contains a menu, a tool bar is shown in the
foreground. To do this, the Media Manager will be activated
and your current arrangement will be shown. Should you need
to use the menu, please press the left button on the trackball.
This will open the following tool bar:
The arrow buttons are convenient for making selections in the
menu and the chapter menu. Clicking on OK starts your selec-
tion. During a movie, the buttons for fast forward and rewind
or chapter-jumping can be used to move around in the movie.
Pause can be used to stop the movie temporarily and it can be
restarted by clicking on Play. The menu will be close again by
clicking on the right trackball button.
If you have a 4-button trackball, you will be able to use the
small left button on the trackball to call up an additional menu
that you can use to have direct access to some extra functions
on the disk, if those functions are indeed available for the disk.
As an example, you could switch to the chapter menu and use
it to select a different chapter. The menu will be closed again
by clicking on the right trackball button.
If you have the MacroSystem remote control for Relax Vision,
you will also be able to control the complete operation of the
display. Even direct chapter jumps or rewind and fast forward
of the movie are possible.
If you click the right trackball button during playback, it will be
stopped and you will be returned to Arabesk.