Broiled sirloin steak, Meat lasagne – Kleenmaid MWK100 User Manual
Page 32

Broiled sirloin steak
Preparation time : 5 min
Cooktime : 28 min
Oil the meat, season with pepper, sprinkle with the herb seasoning,
place in a roasting pan set on the high rack, cook in microwave and gril
combination mode (150W + High Grill), 34 - 36 min. Turn midway
through cooktime. To make pan gravy, at the end of the programme stir
the salt and the butter into the pan drippings.
Serve alone or with a béarnaise sauce.
• 1 kg sirloin steak
• 1 tablespoon oil
• salt, pepper
• 40 g butter
• mixed herbs (oregano, basil,
rosemary, thyme, marjoram)
• 10 lasagne noodles
• 300 g chopped meat
• 400 g tomato meat sauce
• 1 small can tomato sauce
(190 g)
• 100 g heavy cream
• 2 tablespoons
chopped parsley
• 50 g parmesan
• salt, pepper
• 40 g butter
• 40 g flour
• 500 ml milk
• salt
Meat lasagne
Preparation time : 10 min
Cooktime : 25 min 30 s
Mix the chopped meat, the tomato-meat sauce, the tomato sauce, the
heavy cream, the parsley and the salt in a mixing bowl.
Bring the milk to the boil 2 - 3 min on microwave power level MAXI.
Melt the butter for 30 s on microwave power level MAXI in a small
bowl, add the flour and blend well. Beat constantly with a wire whisk
while gradually adding the milk. Cook 1 - 2 min on microwave power
level MAXI, mix midway through cooktime. Season.
In a buttered casserole dish, alternate a layer of lasagne,
of the toma-
to-meat sauce,
of the béchamel sauce. Continue until all the ingre-
dients have been added. Finish by a layer of lasagne noodles topped
with the remainder of the béchamel sauce. Sprinkle with the parmesan
cheese. Cook 20 min with in microwave and grill combination mode
(MAXI + Low Grill), with the dish set on the turntable.
g r i l l
4 servings
4 servings