Kanguru KRMC Cloud User Manual
Page 22

Configurable Device Settings:
• Minimum Password Length (8 - 15 characters) – Set the mandatory minimum number of
characters a password must contain to be valid.
• Password expiration frequency (none, 30, 60, 90, 180, 360 days) – Set how often the system
will force the user to change their user password.
• Minimum letters/numbers/symbols required in password (0 - 5) – Configure the minimum
number of upper and lower case letters, symbols and digits a password must contain to be valid.
• Number of old passwords not allowed in the future (0-10): Define the number of previously
used passwords that may not be accepted as your current password.
• allow offline Profile (enabled / disabled) – When enabled, the user will be able to access
their device even if it cannot communicate with the KRMC Cloud server. When disabled, the
user will not be able to access their device if it cannot communicate with the KRMC Cloud
• Maximum number of password attempts (3 – 15 attempts) - Set the number of times a user
can incorrectly enter their password. A warning message will appear to inform the user when
they have 1 attempt remaining.
• after Retries expire
format device - When selected, the device will automatically format itself if the user
exceeds the number of allowed password retries. This will erase all admin settings and user
data stored on the device and reset the device to the factory default settings.
activate timeout Period - When selected, the device will automatically timeout if the user
exceeds the number of allowed password retries. The user will have to wait for the timeout
period to pass before they will be allowed to enter a password again.
disable device - When selected, the device will become disabled if the user exceeds the
number of allowed password retries. The device user will be unable to login to their device
or access the device’s secure partition again until it is enabled by an ‘Enable Device’ remote
• timeout Value (1 Min, 2 Min, 5 Min, 10 Min, 30 Min) - When activate timeout Period
has been selected, you can define how long the timeout period is. If the user exceeds the set
number of password retries, the user will have to wait this long before they are allowed to enter
a password again.
• Change Password at Next Login - If selected, the user will have to change their password the
next time they successfully login to their device.
Device List