Kanguru KRMC Cloud User Manual

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NotiCes aNd iNfoRMatioN

Please be aware of the following points before using the Kanguru Remote Management Console

Copyright © 2014 Kanguru Solutions. All rights reserved.

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and .NET Framework are registered

trademarks of Microsoft Inc. All other brands or product names are trademarks of their respective

companies or organizations.

Kanguru Solutions will not be held responsible for any illegal use of this product nor any losses

incurred while using this product. The user himself is responsible for the copyright laws, and is fully

responsible for any illegal actions taken.

Customer service

To obtain service or technical support for your system, please contact Kanguru Solutions Technical

Support Department at 508-376-4245, or visit for web support.

Legal notice

In no event shall Kanguru Solutions’ liability exceed the price paid for the product from direct,

indirect, special, incidental, or consequential software, or its documentation. Kanguru Solutions

offers no refunds for its products. Kanguru Solutions makes no warranty or representation, expressed,

implied, or statutory, with respect to its products or the contents or use of this documentation and

all accompanying software, and specifically disclaims its quality, performance, merchantability, or

fitness for any particular purpose. Kanguru Solutions reserves the right to revise or update its products,

software, or documentation without obligation to notify any individual or entity.

export Law Compliance

Regardless of any disclosure made to Kanguru Solutions pertaining to the ultimate destination of the

specific Kanguru product, you warrant that you will not export, directly or indirectly, any Kanguru

product without first obtaining the approval of Kanguru Solutions and the appropriate export license

from the Department of Commerce or other agency of the United States Government. Kanguru

Solutions has a wide range of products and each product family has different license requirements

relative to exports.

Note: This manual contains instructions for both basic KRMC Cloud as well as KRMC Cloud Pro.

Sections marked with “(KRMC Cloud Pro only)” refer to features that are only available to KRMC

Cloud Pro users. If you would like to upgrade your basic version of KRMC Cloud to KRMC Cloud

Pro, please contact Kanguru sales at 1-888-526-4878.

Notices and Information