Datalogic Scanning POWERSCAN 7000 User Manual
Page 125

Image Ship - IMGSHP
Product Reference Guide
nR The right edge of the shipped image corresponds to column n - 1 of
the image in memory. Range: 000 - 640. (Default = all columns, or
639 for VGA imager)
nT The top edge of the shipped image corresponds to row n of the
image in memory. Range: 000 - 480. (Default = 0)
nB The bottom edge of the shipped image corresponds to row n - 1 of
the image in memory. Range: 000 - 480. (Default = all rows, or
479 for VGA imager)
Alternately, specify the number of pixels to cut from the outside margin
of the image; thus only the center pixels are transmitted.
nM Margin: cut n columns from the left, n + 1 columns from the right,
n rows from the top, and n + 1 rows from the bottom of the image.
Ship the remaining center pixels. Range: 1 - 238.
(Default = 0, or full image)
P - Protocol: Used for shipping an image. Protocol covers two features
of the image data being sent to the host. It addresses the protocol used
to send the data (Hmodem, which is an Xmodem 1K variant that has
additional header information), and the format of the image data that is
0P None (raw data)
2P None (default for USB)
3P Hmodem uncompressed
4P Hmodem uncompressed (default for RS-232)
S - Pixel Ship: Can be used to decimate the image by shipping only cer-
tain, regularly spaced pixels. For example, 4S would transmit every
fourth pixel from every fourth line. The smaller number of pixels
shipped, the smaller the image. However, after a certain point, the image
becomes unusable.
1S ship every pixel (default)
2S ship every 2nd pixel, both horizontally and vertically (default)