Datalogic Scanning POWERSCAN 7000 User Manual

Page 123

background image

Image Ship - IMGSHP

Product Reference Guide


E - Edge Sharpen: Causes the transmitted image to be convolved with
an edge sharpening filter. Entering a 23E gives the sharpest edges, but
also increases noise in the image.

0E Don’t sharpen image (default)

14E Apply edge sharpen for typical image


Apply edge sharpen using strength n (n = 1-24)

F - File Format: Indicates the desired format for the image.

0F KIM format

1F TIFF binary

2F TIFF binary group 4, compressed

3F TIFF grayscale

4F Uncompressed binary (upper left to lower right, 1 pixel/bit, 0 pad-

ded end of line)

5F Uncompressed grayscale (upper left to lower right, bitmap format)

6F JPEG image (default)

8F BMP format (lower right to upper left, uncompressed)

H - Histogram Stretch: Increases the contrast of the transmitted image.

Not available with some image formats.

0H No stretch (default)

1H Histogram stretch

I - Invert Image: Used to rotate the image around the X or Y axis in
fixed mount applications where the imager is mounted upside down.


IXInvert around the X axis (flips picture upside down)


IYInvert around the Y axis (flips picture left to right)