Ivoclar Vivadent Heliomolar HB User Manual
Page 2

– Restorations in posterior teeth (Classes I and II)
– Restorations in primary teeth
The placement of Heliomolar HB restorations is contra-
– if a sufficiently dry operating field cannot be established
or if the recommended application technique cannot be
– if the patient is known to be allergic to any of the
ingredients in Heliomolar HB.
Side effects
In rare cases, components of Heliomolar HB may cause a
sensitizing reaction in patients with a hypersensitivity to
any of the material’s ingredients. In these cases, the material
should not be applied.
To avoid irritation of the pulp, protect deep portions of the
cavity preparation in close proximity to the pulp with a
suitable pulp/dentin protector (place a calcium hydroxide
liner in areas close to the pulp).
Materials containing eugenol or clove oil may inhibit the
polymerization of composites. Such materials should
therefore not be used in con-junction with Heliomolar HB.
Cationic mouth rinses and plaque disclosing agents
containing chlorhexidine may cause discoloration.
Application procedure
1. Shade selection
Clean the teeth prior to shade selection. The teeth should be
moist for shade selection
2. Isolation
Appropriate isolation is essential. The use of a rubber dam is
3. Cavity preparation
The cavity is prepared according to the principles of the
adhesive technique, i.e. preserving the tooth structure. Do
not prepare any sharp internal edges or additional
undercuts in caries-free areas. Remove the caries and/or the
old restoration, which dictates the proportions of the cavity.
4. Pulp protection / Base / Liner
Do not place a base/liner if not required.
If the cavity is very deep, cover the areas close to the pulp
with a calcium hydroxide material and then cover this layer
with a pressure resistant cement (e.g. a glass ionomer such
as Vivaglass
Liner or a zinc phosphate cement, e.g.
PL). Leave the remaining surface of the
cavity free for bonding with a dentin-enamel adhesive such
as Syntac
, Excite
or AdheSE
5. Placement of matrix / interdental wedge
Place a matrix in cavities extending into the proximal area
and secure it with a wedge.
6. Conditioning / Application of the bonding agent
Conditioning and application of the bonding agent
according to the Instructions for Use of the product in use.
Given the coordination of Ivoclar Vivadent materials, we
recommend using Syntac (with phosphoric acid etching) or
Excite (with phosphoric acid etching) or the AdheSE self-
etching adhesive.
7. Application of Heliomolar HB
To improve the marginal adaptation of the high-viscosity
composite material, we recommend coating the cavity first
with a layer of Helio-molar Flow that should be maximum
1 mm thick.
Apply Heliomolar HB in increments of max. 2.0 mm and
adapt the material to the cavity walls with a suitable
instrument (e.g. P1 instrument). Light cure each increment
with a polymerization unit > 500 mW/cm
) for 20 seconds*. Hold the light emission
window of the curing light as close to the restorative as
possible. If a metal matrix has been applied, light cure from
the bucco-proximal and/or linguo-/palato-proximal aspect
after having removed the matrix.
Heliomolar HB-Gi-WE3.qxd 21.04.2006 10:43 Uhr Seite 2