Hypertherm LH2100 User Manual
Page 60

Laser Heads
Ophir Optronics Ltd.
Science Based Industries Park Har-Hotzvim
P.O.Box 45021 Jerusalem 91450, ISRAEL
Tel: 972-2-5484444 Fax: 972-2-5822338
w w w . o p h i r o p t . c o m
[email protected]
Leave room and allow dust to settle. Clean all surfaces. If room has
ventilation, allow for several air changes. Locate exhaust near location of
ZnSe processing or use if failure by melting is likely.
Section IX – Special Precautions
The lenses are wrapped at Ophir with lens paper, nylon bag and plastic box. It is
recommended to keep the lens packaged this way until usage. The polished surfaces
of the lens are very sensitive and can be easily damaged. It is recommended to keep
the lenses in low humidity conditions.
Ophir Optics, Inc
260-A Fordham Road
Wilmington, MA 01887
Ph: 978-657-6410 Fax: 978-657-6056