Gullco PK-500-LG-x User Manual
Page 40

While the carriage is stopped, i.e. not in a weld cycle, press the program push button for a
minimum of eight (8) seconds to go from the main screen to the Advanced Programming
To navigate between the advanced programming screens press the Auto Cycle Stop push
Screen 1:
Units: This field allows the operator to select the desired display units,
either INCHES or CM.
Vertical Slide Speed: This value allows the operator to set the speed at
which the vertical slide (tip-to-work slide) moves. Adjustable range 6% to
100% in increments of 1.0%. Factory set at 30.00%
Warning Buzzer Duration: This sets the time between the activation of
the auto cycle and the start of the weld cycle, during which time an
audible buzzer is activated warning anyone near equipment that a weld cycle is about to
commence. Adjustable range 0 to 9 seconds in increments of 1 second. Factory set at 2
Screen 2:
Carriage Over-Current: This sets the maximum current draw that the
carriage drive motor control will allow before activating an error code and
ceasing operation. The variable value range is from 0 to 15 amps in
increments of 1 amp. Factory set at 10 amps.
Carriage Maximum Weld Speed: this variable is used to calibrate the
motor control to suit the carriage drive motor used. At this writing there is
only one (1) carriage drive motor available which has a maximum weld
speed of 44.20 inches per minute [112.0 cm/min] and is factory preset
Carriage Braking: This sets the level of motor braking from instant braking to a variable degree
of pulsed graduated braking. The variable value range is from a reference value of 1 to 10, in
increments of 1. A reference value of 0 provides instant braking whereas a reference value of
10 provides the slowest, softest pulse braking. Factory set at 1
Carriage Response: This sets the speed correction response (gain) rate. By having the motor
speed correction rate at a slow response, the motor takes longer to accelerate to speed and
reacts to motor speed variances slower. By having a fast response, the motor will accelerate to
speed quickly, sometimes resulting in over shooting of the preset speed, and reacting to motor
speed variances instantly, sometimes resulting in slight speed oscillation. The variable value
range is from a reference value of 1 to 10, in increments of 1. A reference value of 1 provides
the fastest speed correction rate, whereas a reference value of 10 provides the slowest, speed
correction response rate. Factory set at 1