Grandstream GXW410x User Manual User Manual

Page 16

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Grandstream Networks, Inc.

GXW410x User Manual

Page 16 of 32

Firmware Version Last Updated: 5/2014

Layer 2 QoS

This contains the value used for layer 2 VLAN tag.
802.1q / VLAN tag: Default value is 0. Range lies from 0 to 4095.
802.1p Priority value: Default value is 0. Range lies from 0 to 7.

*** The above 2 settings need to be supported on the network and then configured
accordingly on the GXW410x. Incorrect configuration will cause blocked access,
which will result in Factory Reset as the only option to renew access.

Video Surveillance (HW
version 1 only)

Default is No. Set to Yes, in order to enable the video in port. And configure the RTSP
port number here(default port number 554).

Date & Time

NTP server

URI or IP address of the NTP (Network Time Protocol) server, which will be used by
the phone to synchronize the date and time.

Allow DHCP Option 42 to
override an NTP server

Default value is No. If set to Yes, the NTP server will originate from the DHCP server.

Self-Defined Time Zone

Optional Rule:

This parameter controls whether the displayed time will be daylight savings time or
not. If set to “Yes” and the Optional Rule is empty, then the displayed time will be 1
hour ahead of normal time. The “Automatic Daylight Saving Time Rule” shall have the
following syntax: start-time;end-time;saving

Both start-time and end-time have the same syntax:
Month ,day ,weekday ,hour ,minute
month: 1,2,3,..,12 (for Jan, Feb, .., Dec)
day: [+|-]1,2,3,..,31
weekday: 1, 2, 3, .., 7 (for Mon, Tue, .., Sun), or 0 which means the daylight saving
rule is not based on week days but based on the day of the month.
hour: hour (0-23),
minute: minute (0-59)

If “weekday” is 0, it means the date to start or end daylight saving is at exactly the
given date. In that case, the “day” value must not be negative.

If “weekday” is not zero and “day” is positive, then the daylight saving starts on the
first “day”th iteration of the weekday (1st Sunday, 3rd Tuesday etc). If “weekday” us
not zero and “day” is negative, then the daylight saving starts on the last “day”th
iteration of the weekday (last Sunday, 3rd last Tuesday etc). The saving is in the unit
of minutes. The saving time may also be preceded by a negative (-) sign if subtraction
is desired instead of addition. The default value for “Automatic Daylight Saving Time
Rule” shall be set to
“03,11,0,02,00;11,04,0,02,00;60” which is the rule for US.

US where daylight saving time is applicable: 03,11,0,02,00;11,4,0,02,00;60
This means the daylight saving time starts from 11


March at 2AM and ends

November 4th at 2AM. The saving is 60 minutes (1hour).



General settings


NAT IP address used in SIP/SDP message. Default is blank.

STUN Server

IP address or Domain name of the STUN (Simple Traversal of UDP through NATs)

Call Settings

G723 Rate

G723 encoding rate (6.3kbps or 5.3kbps)

Voice Frames per Tx

This field contains the number of voice frames to be transmitted in a single packet.
When setting this value, the user should be aware of the requested packet time (used
in SDP message) as a result of configuring this parameter. This parameter is
associated with the first vocoder in the above vocoder Preference List or the actual